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so im detailing someones 90 buick regal with the 3.1 and i go to move it and it wont start... it tries but then it just thunks... thats the best way i can describe it... the cranking is slowing down a bit after a couple tries so i stopped... what could be the problem? its only got 86k on it

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Did you have any of the doors open while trying to detail the car. If yes how long were the doors open for? Just charge the battery and you should should be fine. Or find out when was the last time he changed his battery.

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all the lights come on bright when i turn the key but if i go to start it they dim... where the car is parked i cant get to jumping it so ill have to have someone help me push it out of the backyard into the driveway... thats my next step... but i thought with a bad battery that it wouldnt crank?


i guess the doors were open when i was vaccuming the inside so ill try jumping it when grandma gets home because i dont wanna push it down the hill of the backyard and lose control of it lol

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Chances are if his battery is to old it could be dying slowly. If you get it started check it with a battery gauge to see if the battery is holding enough charge.

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The easiet thing is to ask your buddy how long has the battery been in the car. When I bought my Z34 the battery was good for 2 months and I checked it with a battery gauge and it was not holding up to well. A few times I had a hard time to start so I changed it, and the problem was solved.

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I agree with z34.. The battery just ran down.. My 95 has an older battery (from 2000) and one time my wife hit the map light button on accident when she picked up something from the other seat.. A couple hours later, she comes back out and the car won't start. A good jump oughta make it fire right up.. And the battery should have a date code on the top or side of it that'll tell ya when it was manufactured...

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Euro, yes i didbut very lightly to get the degreaser off... i must have hit the cables even with the bag over them...


problem solved, i waited 2 hours till grandma got home and she walked out and started it right up... 2 slow cranks and it fired up... that made me so mad!!

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it is probably still the battery, When the battery sits for awhile without any further drain sometimes it holds enough charge to start the car. I have seen it many times, once the alternator kicks in it should charge itself

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yah after i got it started i left it run a bit while i waxed it... started right up the next time but i still let the lady know of the problem in case it wasnt something i did and so she doesnt get stuck somewhere

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