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Head Gasket Blown Again!!!!

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:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I hate Pontiac! How many of ya'll would be mad that I shot a w-body with a shotgun 200 times?? I dont know what I'm gonna do now. My freind just looked at me and said L67. I might go that route but I cant sell her because I wont get jack crap from it. I dunno Im too pissed to type! :evil: :evil: :( :cry: :cry:

Blown AGAIN?

Damn, how'd that happen?

Hate to say it, but only thing I can think of is installer error...


since I didnt hear bout ya last headgasket swap, im guessing it was a bitch, did you have the heads sent out 2 be checked? also we has a 350 kept going thru head gaskets but the heads were fine, turned out the block was warped.


sorry bout ya bad luck



:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I hate Pontiac! How many of ya'll would be mad that I shot a w-body with a shotgun 200 times?? I dont know what I'm gonna do now. My freind just looked at me and said L67. I might go that route but I cant sell her because I wont get jack crap from it. I dunno Im too pissed to type! :evil: :evil: :( :cry: :cry:


Was it the same one?? or the front?? There is no reason it should have blown unless your cooling system is messed up. What kind of temps were you seeing when it was working?? You sure a cooling line didnt come un-done or a break?? Very curious.




I dont know which one blew this time. The temp gauge was reading slightly under 220 which I thought was pretty good. I kept hearing a sputter like a miss then all of a sudden there was that familiar steam and the temp gauge soared. Someone told me that once aluminum heads hit a certain temp then there warped beyond repair and Ill need new ones or ones that arent warped, then I had someone tell me just now that my block may be cracked. Well I can fix them by myself this time since you showed me how Robby. Guess I'll start on it tomorrow :? :x


The first time it blew you told me you had to drive it like 5-10 minutes to get it back home and the temp gauge showed like 260 the whole time. You might have a warped head or cracked block. If the rear head gasket blew in the same spot as last time, then Im going to bet the head is warped or the block is cracked. I think you might have a slight cooling problem, my car hardly ever reaches 220* and thats on a stock T-stat.




No Shawn we didnt because the machine shop was closed by the time we got the head off and Robby had to go that day so we just sanded the head down and cleaned up the block a little. Ok Robby so what do recommend?


Okay, here's what I would do. Do a pressure test on the cooling system. You will see coolant squirt out from where the leak is. You would have to fill your system up again since Im sure its low cuz the gasket blew again, then get a pressure tester from a radiator shop, its a little pump that goes where your radiator cap is and you pump it up to your pressure, that should be on your radiator cap, and look for leaks. Once the bad place is found, tear the motor down and take whichever head is bad off. Then, have the head tested for warping and cracks. (a local repair shop or a dealer can do that). Also, if the rear head gasket is blown, check to see where the gasket blew. If its the same spot as last time ( near the exhaust side of the #5 cylinder, closer to the bellhousing), Im willing to bet the head is warped or the block is cracked. If the head is warped, then you found your problem. If its not, you would have to check the block next. I would suggest magnafluxing the thinnest part of it (b/n the cylinders and b/n the cylinder and outside of the block). You would have to get borrow the stuff to magnaflux it. Its a magnet that is placed on either side of the area you want to check, then a purple powder is sprinkled on the spot, with the maget in place. If there are cracks, the powder will go to them. (even complete invisible cracks will show up). If the block has no cracks, you would need to check it for warping. A straight edge and feeler gauge would be needed. You check it diagonally across the block and straight across it. That way you can make sure the head gasket surface is not warped. Thats what I would do. Sounds like a lot, and it is, but that is what (time permitting) should have happened when we changed it. I really think the head or block is warped or cracked. Running at 260+ for the 5-10 minutes you did before would cause that, especiall with an aluminum head. If the head is bad, you could prolly pick up a used on from a junk yard pretty cheap, and slap it on and go. If the block is garbage, you're better off getting a whole new motor. That is my advice for if the rear gasket blew. If the front blew, given that that bolt is stripped and never coming loose, you are better off getting a new motor, than paying a dealer fix it. You mentioned that u-pull yard in Evansville that sells motors for $100, thats what I would do. Anyway, thats what I would do, and Im sorry this isnt working out for you. On a side note, I really think you have a cooling problem. Like I said, mine never hits 220* and its on a stock (brand new) T-stat and brand new coolant. Good luck, if you need any other help, let me know.




whoa that is a lot but it sounds like what I'm going to have to do :( Ill let everyone know how it goes.

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