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possible engine problem?


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ok, I'll try to explain this as good as I possibly can.


I was accelerating yesterday, at about 4500rpms my car jerked as if I had downshifted in a manual and the engine started acting like it had hit a rev limiter. The difference is that a rev limiter has about 1/2 a second between the dead time to the next rev....if you've ever heard one you'd know what I mean. Well when my car did this it sounded like one of the cars of Grand Turismo....no time between deadtime and the next rev.......it revved 3 times then I let my foot off the gas and hit it again and it was fine. About 2 minutes later I got the balls to try it agian to see if it would reproduce the same effect....it didn't....it worked fine. So it happened once but I don't want it to happen again. What could this have been?



side note: maybe I don't know anything but it almost seemed as if the engine was working normally but there was nowhere for the power to go.



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everything works perfectly now though....


someone at gmforums.com said he had it happen ONCE to him and never again...but right after he had it happen he had his transmission fluid flushed and replaced.

could it just have been some obstruction in the fluid?

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It sound slike what happened to me in the winter with my Cutty. Only it did it twice in like 15 minutes. I thought that my tires started to spinor loose traction, but at like 40 miles an hour...left me questioned. Never happened since then!


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