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What the.... someone help


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I've had this issue 2 nights in a row now. In both circumstances I was turning a left hand corner, I don't know if or how that is related.


About half way through the turn, the doors unlock, the engine almost shuts completely off, all the dash lights come on, then the engine starts going again (hesitantly) the dash lights shut off and the doors relock. Somewhere in there, my music cuts out and comes back.


Aux post is clean and tight.

Fuses are all ok.


My only thought... Could my engine still be re-learning fuel curves after this past weeks exhaust work? That Y-pipe was REALLY restrictive, probably causing the engine to work harder to push the exhaust out the tiny hole. The exhaust is the only change to the car in recent months.



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Sounds more like your engine starved for fuel around the corner, and died, but the tranny still turned it, then kicked back after the apex of the turn. Try doing it with a full tank, and see if it still happens.

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my 95 did this also turned the dome light's on. When and when i got my system in it would turn my lights on and door's lock alllllll the time. slamed my drivers door when i was pissed and it stoped. Something was loose in the door causing it to so all of that.

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Sounds more like your engine starved for fuel around the corner, and died, but the tranny still turned it, then kicked back after the apex of the turn. Try doing it with a full tank, and see if it still happens.


If it had only happened tonight I would say you might be right, cause I had to fill up within 45 minutes. but last night when it happened I had between half and 3/4 of a tank (did a lot of driving today)


my 95 did this also turned the dome light's on. When and when i got my system in it would turn my lights on and door's lock alllllll the time. slamed my drivers door when i was pissed and it stoped. Something was loose in the door causing it to so all of that.


If that were the case my car would never break... thats how I get my seat belt to come out sometimes, and occasionally I have to open and close the door to get the window to go up (only after using the auto down feature)


sounds to me like a bad body ground if you ask me. my old topaz used to shut off like someone shut off the battery lol. i had bad body rot lol


I'll check the grounds tomorrow!


What about a bad alternator? or battery?


I never even thought to pay attention to if the amp and subs were shutting down (different ground) not that I could of heard them over the exhaust cutting in and out.



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I would think there would be something wrong with the ignition switch on the column as it only happens turning left. Something is either not making a connection or pinching a wire in the columnm when turning.

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This defiinitely sounds as if you have bad wiring, something where the ignition switch circuit is losing power or ground, as GrandPrixSE suggests. The ECM and all accessories get power through the ignition switch.


I mean just think about it. You're in your driveway with the car running and you flip the key very quickly from off back to on, you'll get the same symptoms.

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What about a bad alternator? or battery?


This was actually my first thought. Sounds like the typical goofy behavior of electronics when the car is low on power output. My TSTE did the same thing when I first got it, and it turned out to be the alternator. As to why it happened around a turn on yours, the turn may have exacerbated it due to the power steering robbing more power.

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It's mad you're getting a new car.


Damn... whats it gonna do when it finds out its gonna be on jack stands for 2 years, haha




Never, ever run right again.


At least, I know that's what mine would do.

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Occasionally I have to open and close the door to get the window to go up (only after using the auto down feature)




I break the auto-down feature on my Gen1's so it doesn't work.


It's a theory, but I believe based on some solid grounding.


You put the window on auto-down mode and there's like a tiny clip that keeps it down until it hits the bottom, it's supposed to pop-off, but when the cars get older it stops doing that, springs get old or something.


So basically your window is trying to go down indefinitely, there's some type of redundant circuit inside that says: hey lets not kill this thing and either the motor has a autoshutdown or power is cut. If you press up nothing happens. If you press up and then wait 5 minutes and then press up again it should go up.


Chances are you are killing the motor by doing this, or at least adding needless wear & tear, so don't use the autodown, or use it, and when it gets to the bottom, just inch the window up ever so slightly.


Sorry can't help you on the stupid engine cutting off thing, all I know is that my dad's 1996 Sable did the same thing back in the day, but instead, you would lose all power and then get it back, no radio, dash, headlights, etc on slow rights, I think it was a faulty relay.

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The auto down sucks ass in these cars. It drives me crazy... I try my best not to use it but it always catches... I just stop it before it gets al the way down... :evil:

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this is going to sound really funny but i always catch myself pushing the up after i do the auto roll down just because i dont think it stops fast enough for me lol. so i hit the button to let it go down and tap the up to make it stop. Its funny that you dont even notice shit . it is just force of habit

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