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my cruise control doesnt work! help!


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i know i hate you and you hate me, but for some odd reason i think im gonna help you. i must be really bored..........


anyway, on my Z34, the problem was simple. but mines kinda sorta a 5-speed. i have a push button on the top of my floor kinda back underneath my dash. the clutch pushes it in when the clutch is out. well it wasnt screwed in all of the way, so the clutch never pushed it in, making the CC think my clutch was constantly in, making CC not work since it disables whenever you push the clutch in. so i screwed it in, and voila. so probly not your problem, but check to make sure the brake sensor one isnt in a bad position. then check CC ro make sure ti has air pressure by pushing the cussion in, it should rev up. i dont know where to go from there, you dont by chance have a SES light do you?


there ya go, thats about all i can say.....

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