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W-Body Video I Found on YouTube


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Couple things I'd like to address.


1st, the lack of respect for property is not merely an issue of whether the person bought/invested in the property his/herself. It is just a general state of laziness, apathy, and flat out low intellect in this country, and it's getting worse with every generation. I've noticed living in apartments is getting worse and worse due to the general public that make up your neighbors very quickly becoming a lower and lower class of people, this past car search (prior to buying the '01 GTP) has been an eye opener for how people take care of their cars these days (not just gen II w-bodies), etc. Having things bought for you doesn't help, but even for those who buy their own things, the vast majority just don't give a damn, because giving a damn takes too much effort, and.....well....let's face it - people hate to put forth an effort in this country.


2nd, I don't think most gen II GP owners are spoiled kids who had their cars purchased for them. That is not why they treat older GPs with disrespect. From being on many primarily gen II dominated forums, I have come to realize that.....most gen II owners don't know jack shit about cars. Hell, just 2 meets ago, when our turnout turned out to be a huge gen II GP fest, someone with a gen III GP called Mike's Cutlass (SigEP) an "older Grand Prix". Many of them have learned quite a bit about the L67, but that is merely because they own one, and have spent time on forums related to them. If you ask them about cars other than a gen II w-body, they can't give you jack for stats, facts, mods, etc. And as is customary in America, when you don't know jack shit about something, you form strong opinions regardless (i.e. newer is better, therefor a '95 GTP is a piece of shit, and a '99 GTP RuLeZ!!!1111). They're in love with their own cars/the L67, and don't know much about anything else. Therefore, by default, everything else is a "piece of shit". Hmmmm, that sounds familiar. What does that remind me of....... OH! That's right. RICERS! :biggrin:


Obviously, there are exceptions to every rule, but this is the bulk of what the gen II community is comprised of. It is also why I was so hesitant on ever owning a gen II/L67 powered car. I did not want to be associated with that crowd. Hell, the unwarranted L67 elitist attitude has even reached most of the gen I crowd on ClubGP, from calling their own cars a "first gen", to ignorantly bashing the "lack of power" of the LQ1, even boosted, while spouting at the mouth about how much more powerful the L67 is. Here is a fine example of just how brainwashed some people are even within our own gen I community by "the Church of L67".




The misinformation and completely biased opinions were nothing short of astonishing during this...."debate". Of course, they were messing with the wrong guy, as hyperboles, exaggerations, fabrications and ignorance don't get you very far against me in a debate. :wink: Unfortunately, most of them were too stupid to even realize they weren't making a very good argument, or that they were loosing the battle.

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Couple things I'd like to address.


1st, the lack of respect for property is not merely an issue of whether the person bought/invested in the property his/herself. It is just a general state of laziness, apathy, and flat out low intellect in this country, and it's getting worse with every generation. I've noticed living in apartments is getting worse and worse due to the general public that make up your neighbors very quickly becoming a lower and lower class of people, this past car search (prior to buying the '01 GTP) has been an eye opener for how people take care of their cars these days (not just gen II w-bodies), etc. Having things bought for you doesn't help, but even for those who buy their own things, the vast majority just don't give a damn, because giving a damn takes too much effort, and.....well....let's face it - people hate to put forth an effort in this country.


2nd, I don't think most gen II GP owners are spoiled kids who had their cars purchased for them. That is not why they treat older GPs with disrespect. From being on many primarily gen II dominated forums, I have come to realize that.....most gen II owners don't know jack shit about cars. Hell, just 2 meets ago, when our turnout turned out to be a huge gen II GP fest, someone with a gen III GP called Mike's Cutlass (SigEP) an "older Grand Prix". Many of them have learned quite a bit about the L67, but that is merely because they own one, and have spent time on forums related to them. If you ask them about cars other than a gen II w-body, they can't give you jack for stats, facts, mods, etc. And as is customary in America, when you don't know jack shit about something, you form strong opinions regardless (i.e. newer is better, therefor a '95 GTP is a piece of shit, and a '99 GTP RuLeZ!!!1111). They're in love with their own cars/the L67, and don't know much about anything else. Therefore, by default, everything else is a "piece of shit". Hmmmm, that sounds familiar. What does that remind me of....... OH! That's right. RICERS! :biggrin:


Obviously, there are exceptions to every rule, but this is the bulk of what the gen II community is comprised of. It is also why I was so hesitant on ever owning a gen II/L67 powered car. I did not want to be associated with that crowd. Hell, the unwarranted L67 elitist attitude has even reached most of the gen I crowd on ClubGP, from calling their own cars a "first gen", to ignorantly bashing the "lack of power" of the LQ1, even boosted, while spouting at the mouth about how much more powerful the L67 is. Here is a fine example of just how brainwashed some people are even within our own gen I community by "the Church of L67".




The misinformation and completely biased opinions were nothing short of astonishing during this...."debate". Of course, they were messing with the wrong guy, as hyperboles, exaggerations, fabrications and ignorance don't get you very far against me in a debate. :wink: Unfortunately, most of them were too stupid to even realize they weren't making a very good argument, or that they were loosing the battle.


You, sir, are an asset to this company. A+!!!

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