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I need the dim. for the 3100 dogbone engine mounts! ASAP!!!


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i might be able to make them as soon as tomarrow (wed.) I need as many dimensions as possible. And if possible the dim. of the FFP dogbones. Please help. I gtg, i'm in a hurry, i'll post an update later today if possible of what i'm planning on doing and how I found out how i can do it! And for the highest bidder, i might be able to make some for you too, of course i won't charge $130 bucks like FFP.


laterz, AWeb

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Ahh, thats kinda what I thought, but I figured I would ask. Hell yeah, I'd go for one of these. What kind of dimensions do you need? I can give you the stock dimensions, but FFP, no luck here.

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Um, I may be reading your signature wrong...

But you've got a dogbone that you can use as a template in front of you.


- Erik


I don't have the time to take it off. With work and school taking up 16 hours of my day :cry:

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you don't have 10 minutes to spare?



If that... really...

aweb80, I think some Time Management is in order. :wink:

I know how busy days get... sorry, if needed extremely quick, maybe a nice member will grab you some specs.


- Erik

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you don't have 10 minutes to spare?






Ya, Ya, I was able to take off work early and take one off, now just find someplace that sells polyurethane in at least a 1.5" dia. :?:


Any :idea: 's

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