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Power mirror switch does not work to the right


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I've tried 2 different switches in my 1994 CS and neither of them will power either mirror to the right. Up, down and left work FINE. Nothing in my service manual shows how to diagnose this. Anyone here have any insight?

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Do you have a wiring diagram of the circuit? I'm assuming it's straight forward but there must be a break in a wire somewhere - unless both siwthces magically don't work in the RIGHT position.

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If both mirrors don't move to the right and you've tried two different switches with the same results, I would have to say its a pinched or broken wire somewhere. Good luck on the search.

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My TGP has the same problem. Its in the wiring plug on the back of the controller. If you take it off, and press on the back of the plug, in various spots, while holding it, and pressing the button, it will work, at least thats the way mine is.

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I figured out it is the switch...From years of water seeping past the seals or leaving the window down, it oxidized the circuit board. I have a new switch on the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...WTF? I got a new switch (priority mail=9 days? Fuck you USPS but thank you rockfangd.) and it does not work to the right.


Back to the drawing board.

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maybe you have bad luck because if you're getting it to move to the left, the wires and connections are okay, since the switch just reverses the polarity for left or right. The only other thing I could say is your mirror motors are screwing up. Have you checked if the mirrors are getting power when trying to go to the right?

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Wow its got me stumped now.


/Off topic/

Hey brian I see youre repping some blue interior love for the haters like me huh? LOL


/Off topic/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow its got me stumped now.


Any updates on this? I have the exact same problem. I doubt it's the motor, because neither side mirror moves right but every other direction works. I have the service manual for my car with wiring diagrams but none of that stuff makes any sense to me...

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Been too hot to look into it...If I don't sell it soon, then I will dig deeper.


You should sell it to me cheap and I can come meet up with ya :lol:



yup, my next car is a Vert... plan on getting one in Spring once my CS is done





And Jay, if you need anything like diag steps and crap like that, I have Mitchell On Demand. Ill help ya out :thumb:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i had the same problem on my cadillac and it was the same exact problem I tried 3 switches and all did the same, but i tested them all in my car and every one i had worked fine. I think the only bad one i ever had came from my cutlass when i bought it. It wouldnt work on down or left. Put a new used one in and i have never had another problem. Good luck to you

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