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Gauge cluster/ECM/Wiring issue

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What do you all think? All gauges on the gauge cluster stopped working except for odometer, speedometer bounces around/doesn't work most of the time, car has a hard time idleing sometimes, sometimes it's fine, Somtimes dies randomly. All started happening around the same time. Resetting the ECM doesn't do anything. Think they're all related?


Charging problem gets my vote.


Check your battery / alternator / instrument voltages.


Now it doesn't idle at all. I have to always have the foot on the gas to keep it going? IAC maybe?


The only thing the IAC and gauges have in common, is they'll both go bezerk if the alternator is bad.


Replaced the IPC. All gauges work except speedo. Probably the VSS there, although it could be the ecm. Still having an idleing issues. When driving it runs very rich. As in I can be going 25 mph and the speed still increses without my foot on the gas. But when I stop it starts to idle very poorly. The only error code the ECM gives out is 44. I think the O2 sensor doesn't kick in until 160 degrees?? So it can't be that cause the car has issues when cooler than that. Can't be water in fuel cause I've filled several times since this problem started. Anyone have any more ideas. Oh yeah. The alternator was replaced less than a year ago and none of the other electrical systems have problems. So I doubt it's that.

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