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how many motor mounts on a 3.8 series 1 ?


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hi all i got a bit of a dillema... my regal needs a passenger side lower motor mount but i dont know if it has 2 or 4 at the bottom my mechanic says there are only two but when i go to get the part at autozone they ask if its a passenger rear or passenger front so im confused :willynilly: help me out plz!!! i know a fair bit about cars but im still rusty so non negative feed back would be appreciated!



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Good job on owning the most reliable engine to come stock in any w-body. :high5:


I'd also like to know, as I may need to replace my mounts as well.

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its prolly ps rear. the trans mount is more rear of the passenger side dogbone. if you have to ask him to pull both or whatever he has to be sure.

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but autozone and murrays is telling me there are 4 mounts one at at each corner !! wtf!? are they that dumb? or is there something missing here!

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i figured it to be 3 as well. one pass side ,one driv side and a dog bone which i just replaced. the reason i trippinn so bad over this is im taking a trip to nova scotia from detroit basically and my shit needs to be in top notch :willynilly: lol

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if your mechanic sez you need a mount, why isnt he ordering it himself. im assuming that means youre doing it yourself after just askin whats wrong and thats it. the parts stores are wrong. it happens quite often and i have plenty of experience. you need to confirm to them that they are wrong and because of this you need to see pictures of the mounts or the parts themselves.


Or you can just look yourself and feed them a p/n. here you go.


i put 95 for shits n giggles any S1 3.8 w is all the same.


nm i take that back. what year is yours? different ones are coming up. try napa also http://www.napaonline.com/NOLPPSE/(S(c5uomlngsbs5jn45s3gfbp55))/Results.aspx?N=0+599001&Ntk=Keyword&Ntt=transmission%20mount

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itz a 91 and hes a back yard mechanic cuz im not rich like some people and can go into some fancy shop and just have my shit ordered!


naw i take that back im fuckin with you but ill check those sites thanks. :high5:

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There are 2 lower engine mounts on 1st gen W's with the 3800. One is right behind the a/c compressor and the other is back by the oil filter. It would probably be a good idea to replace both.

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