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Pics of deer damage in the GTP


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Ok so I hit a deer last night......got some various pics of the car this afternoon. Overall it doesnt look that bad......but today i did notice that the whole bumper was slightly shifted over towards the driver side of the car, because there is a big gap between the hood and the quarter pannel on the driver side.

deergtp003.jpg deergtp004.jpg deergtp001.jpg


deergtp002.jpg The sum-bitch bent my fucken plate. :mad:


deergtp.jpg grill inserts were knocked out...but managed to save them and bend them back to shape easily....


deergtp005.jpg When i was taking pics....i found this piece of glass on the cowl.....dont know how it ended up there....but its there.

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well that's not as bad as I thought, and that glass may be from the headlight. I found some glass in my car from the headlights when I took the bumper and radiator out a couple weeks ago from the accident it was in before I got the car. I was pretty amazed that it was still there actually... lol

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I don't think that's legal is it?.... not that that stops any of us from doing a lot of things... :P


Its legal in Canada! you have to report it to the cops first, but you can take it home with you. My uncle does it every time he hits a deer.



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I don't think that's legal is it?.... not that that stops any of us from doing a lot of things... :P


Its legal in Canada! you have to report it to the cops first, but you can take it home with you. My uncle does it every time he hits a deer.



just how often exactly does he do this?... lol

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I don't think that's legal is it?.... not that that stops any of us from doing a lot of things... :P

It's legal in NYS, at least it used to be. A few years back, my family and I were all driving together, we hit a huge deer, the deer died shortly after the accident, and my family called the state police to report the accident. When the state trooper showed up, and after we told him what happened, he asked what we wanted to do with the deer, my dad chose to put the deer on the back of our car, and we drove for a few miles and gave the deer to a friend of my dad. There is nothing like fresh venison! :razz: But, I don't know if laws have changed since then.


Sorry to hear about your deer accident, did it set off your airbag? I hope it didn't. You seemed to have the same damage we had when my family hit the deer I mentioned above. The only difference was, we had the damage on the driver side. It was a close call for us, if the deer had hit six inches more to the center of the bumper, our airbag would have gone off. We wouldn't have been able to afford that back then.

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I've heard that deer meat isn't good after the deer's body has been through the impact...something about the organs and shit. Idk.


Hitting deer sucks. It's kind of a family tradition for us though. :lol:

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Yeah..... the deer was killed.....thank god.... i think they deserve to die after fucking up my pride & joy....someting i care more about then any girl ive ever had....not gunna lie. But yeah.... I'm gunna be taking it in to get fixed this week after the door gets fixed on my Monte (different story)..........I'm actually debating on putting the GTP up for sale on the 3 forums im on after it gets fixed....if i can get what i want for it... and as long as it goes to another Grand Prix/ W-body enthusiest. I will take the $$ and do an L-67 swap to the Z-34 and get a crotch rocket.

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You didn't end up too bad!


When I got my deer in December, it took out the right fender, hood, headlight & assembly. It was about $1800 for me! :lol: Good thing for insurance!

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Well....i dropped it off friday morning.....and they say its supposed to b done monday....they already took it apart and what not... they are going to fix the crack in the bumper andd repaint it, and re-align the fenders w/ the hood....and a new headlight assembly of course..... $881 in damage....$250 out of my pocket.

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