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Auto To Manual Swap

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Hey guys.... has anybody swapped their auto tranny out for a manual in their Cutlass?! My Automatic tranny in my '89 Cutlass has no 3rd Gear so I'm gonna have to get a new tranny anyways so I figured I might as well make it fun and go 5-speed. I found a used one that I can get for about $200 that includes everything to make the swap i think. I just need to know how hard this will end up being!! Thanx in advance guys!!


Getrag 282 or 284? Anyways, I know you will need the axels, tranny mounts, tranny, all the interior pieces necessary, I don't know bout the wiring or anything. From what I understand, the clutch pedal hole is pre-cut somewhat, and shouldn't be to hard to find. I know a guy on 60degreev6 did the swap, I think it was pocket-rocket, but I am not to positive. Might wanna check over there if ya get stuck.


yeah, Malibuolds, Eclipse5302, LukeZ34's TGP is 5spd (he didnt do it though), theres plenty out there, and plenty of posts about it



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