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Seems that KR is a big deal... at least its all anyone talks about with the L67 motors as soon as any changes have been made.


apart from a computer deal that retards timing in certain situations... exactly what is the big deal?


is KR an issue for normal day to day driving? or is it more an issue for guys n gals who are pushing their L67's to the limits ?


i really don't want to buy a pod for a KR scanner and i have yet to find an affordable hand held scanner capable of pulling a KR reading, so knowing it could effect 1/4 mile times when i head to the track the 2-3 times a year i go does KR, if its there have any negatives on normal daily driving?


KR only becomes an issue when you start to mod or you forget to run premium. if you have KR issues on a stock L67, there is something wrong.


im not saying i have it, just wondering if it is an issue while driving normally? and premium will always be in the tank


fwiw: it is possible to have KR on a stock engine.... ..why would you want to mod it without properly addressing KR? if you don't want to buy a pod, I can understand that...but just get a lsoftware setup for the computer so nothing is permanant in the car...


don't have a laptop :lol: i would buy a pod but i really don't want to mount it in the car, well actually i would but i don't want a pillar pod dealy and i cant think of anywhere else i could mount one without too much hassle. plus a friend of mine also no laptop has a 02 GTP hence the thought of a hand held scanner (split cost is nice)


:lol: yeah.


theres guys around here that can probably let me use their setups to scan, but ideally i would love to find a hand held. only one i have found is roughly $3000 if i remember my uncle telling me how much they paid for their diagnostic scanner from snap on at the shop :lol:


You can mount the gauge somewhere else if you don't like the pods. A lot of guys put it in the very front of the center console. And yeah, if you plan on dropping pulley sizes, you want to see if you are seeing any KR, and get rid of that before dropping to a smaller pulley.


KR only becomes an issue when you start to mod or you forget to run premium. if you have KR issues on a stock L67, there is something wrong.


i've seen plenty of bone stock L67's w/ lots of knock......

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