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i'm planning on getting an aldl cable so i can at least monitor what the hells going on with the monte, until i can do a obd1 or 2 swap. but i look at the connector and think: why are only the farthest right pins (top and bottom) actually connected to any wires in my car: there are 10 other ones with absolutely nothing there??? is it a mind game from gm or did someone mess with my wiring?

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i'll add a little more if it'll help out: planningon using tunerpro rt to at least monitor my obd1.5 3100 until i have the time/money for an ob2 upgrade or obd1 "downgrade"(already have everything necessary for obd1, just dont have the time/patience or another car for a daily driver yet.

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ok so gm is retarded... is there any reason why i would only have 2??? the rightmost top and bottom pins as looking at it from the drivers seat...

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it cost 65 but at least ill have a little more understanding of wtf is going on with the motor. too bad nobodys actually figured out how to tune obd1.5 yet... doubt it'll happen either... but it would be nice... at least ill be able to play around with my fiances 90 grand prix with it too, except at least then i would be able to burn chips for it if i wanted to( and if i had the hardware).

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been playing around with it for a few days and found out some interesting things but im having a problem datalogging... it says its recording but when i try to play back the log i dont get anything to change on the dash... is that normal? ive never used tunerpro before now and have no idea if thats whats supposed to happen.

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usb aldl cable from aldlcable.com. i dont really understand why im able to see what the computer is putting out in real-time but when i datalog, it tells me that i am datalogging but when i try to replay it, i get no activity on my screen. ive had to resort to using my digital camcorder to watch whats going on while im driving.

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usb aldl cable from aldlcable.com. i dont really understand why im able to see what the computer is putting out in real-time but when i datalog, it tells me that i am datalogging but when i try to replay it, i get no activity on my screen. ive had to resort to using my digital camcorder to watch whats going on while im driving.


read this post:



go down to the data logging part.

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thank you... its finally making sense now, but i do have one more question: are they're supposed to be so many blank columns? there are 7 columns with all zeros that should have something there including:voltage at fuel pump, 02 sensor mV, INT, BLM, injector base pulse width, IAC motor position, TCC slippage. another question, actually: is target air fuel ratio what the computer is trying to run the motor at or is it the actual air/fuel ratio? if its not actual air/fuel ratio, how would i find that out?

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Do you have the right .xdf file for your motor? And what are you using for an .ads file?


Target AFR is exactly what it says it is: the AFR the ECM is targetting. To know your actual AFR you're going to need a wideband O2 sensor. The stock narrowband reports the AFR to the ECM in millivolts, my TSTE ranged anywhere from 49 to 1128 mV at various times. The lower, the leaner; the higher, the richer. I don't know exactly how to calculate a rough AFR from the given data. But I know that BLM relates to the AFR, and that the target value for that is 128, ideally.

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i dont believe there is an xdf file for the obd1.5 l82. if there is i cant find it...

the ads file is right from the tunerpro website. According to documentation, it was created by ryan hess.

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