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Tornado - Intake Brick...


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Ok.....so I saw that Tornado thing on TV last night, ya know, the thing that you jam into your intake that should make your car have more HP and gas milage...but how can that be? Just b/c the air is moving around more would that really make a difference? In my opinion, stick a brick in your intake, you'd probably be better off and it would be cheaper too! :wink:

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CRAP! that shit gets alot of board time! everyone and their momma's momma should know that thing is a gimmick. i don't know how those guys even stay in business :)

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CRAP! that shit gets alot of board time! everyone and their momma's momma should know that thing is a gimmick. i don't know how those guys even stay in business :)


The same way people that make magnets for your fuel line and additives for your oil stay in business!

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I was at the parts store yesterday picking up octaine boost so my motor would stop pinging, hey look, in the orange bottle, this octaine boost will instantly add 25 HP to my car for only $8 a bottle, fuck the turbo im buying 10 of these.




product that claims 25 horsepower: 40 horses

orange bottle: 35 horses

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Yeah stupid people like :

2003 Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.

"Strategies of fuel injection control for a DI diesel engine with common-rail fuel injection system were investigated under relatively high intake air swirl motion. It was found out that combination of higher swirl and pilot injection could achieve remarkable low smoke and low combustion noise operation. Higher swirl can activate main combustion process and pilot injection can suppress initial heat release rate. Optimum pilot amount and interval to take place small but definite heat release are important to control the air-fuel mixture derived from main injection spray before its ignition. "



If you want to be knowledgeable on the subject do a search of all the info under this search criteria: Active swirl and fuel

There are lots of stupid engineering societies out there.

There are definate gains in tuning swirl in intakes.

It is probably possible though to see power losses also.


Or click on this link for a nicely complete description of the effects of swirl and fuel.


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Or click on this link for a nicely complete description of the effects of swirl and fuel.



Unfortunately that refers to a gas turbine engine so I really dont think it is relevent to our engines. The intake stream is completely different and would therefore be affected in a totally different manner. Also a gas turbine engine sucks in about 5000 times more air than a standard v-6, we're talking like what 50,000RPM vs 6000 RPM I find it difficult to believe that a study on one could be relevent to the other. Same with a diesel there are too many differences that data from one wouldn't necessarily apply to the other.

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Swirl and tumble are both good things, but I find it hard to believe that the Tornado would increase swirl. The swirl and tumble that the SAE guys and other engineers most commonly strive for comes almost exclusively from valve actuation and combustion chamber dynamics- not some airfoil in the intake. If the Tornado really did everything it claims (reduced fuel economy, improved emissions, and improved performance), it would be on every single car straight from the factory. The Tornado is placed so far upstream from the TB, much less the injectors, that any gains would probably be cancelled out be the extra restriction it poses.



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