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Very Strange Tailinght problem!!!!!!!


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I find out today that my left brake lights arent working so I figure it's bulbs and pull'em out, well they're good. So I start checking for power and all I'm getting is .4 volts on LBL but the outside marker is getting 12v with brakes on. I checked inside the trunk wiring and same thing.


They will work with signal on but not flashers; all others behave normally w/signals. Except now the outside L marker is working as brake light and the L brake lights do nothing.


I get home and decide to back in against the window just to see whats going on and all three were working on L, 2 on the R. I shifted out of reverse and the L 2 brake lights shut off but outside L marker stayed on. Tried moving shifter around again and no change.


It would seem that there is a problem with the wiring in the interior of car (ground/short) unless they connect somewhere else. I just wanted to get some input from others before I go tearing into the interior.


P.S. I'm not on drugs thats what they are doing. Thanks for help

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Sounds to me like the turn signal switch. All the flashers and tail lights run thru it. First, make sure you flasher is good, and your neutral safety is not coming loose. Try swapping bulbs around if one is constantly out.

I just replaced my switch so if you need help doin it just ask.

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Still same problem. I'm beginning to think its the signal switch and flasher, unless the flasher itself could cause this problem. I saw a 4dr Euro with only L3 and R3 for brakes, i saw a 4dr 3.1 with all of them. So I'm assuming that all should work.


So if it isnt the bulbs or wiring and the brakelights are somehow connected to signal switch then hopefully that will fix my problem.


I wonder if this is connected to the mysterious smoking out of the column every once and awhile. I talked to someone and they said it was a common problem and his had done that for over 10 years withpout any problems, so I don't know what that's about I don't like it but if it ain't broke....


Anyway any tips for changing the switch???? I figure it's a waste of time to go to the j/y, right ??? I don't have the money to buy new and last time I checked it was like $300.

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i dont know if you have autozone up there but i looked up the switch and it is $80 its made by wells part #SW312


i also looked up the flasher too for a electronic flasher it is $6.49 part #EL12-C and for the THERMAL it is $1.89 part #536/552-C i understand that this is american money


thought this might help

good luck

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Yep, smoking in the column is TSS, you can check by backing up to a wall and wiggling the sw. The lights all over the back should dace a bit. Turn signals work when you pull on the arm. This was just asked a week or so ago. Yeah, $88 is what I paid for mine, twas a AC part w/ a heavy discount. It's not that hard, I do know that when I got mine there was an extra wire on it, so I just tucked it up into the column and never looked back.

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its very easy. it took me about 3 hours to do it cuz it was the first time and iwasnt quite sure what i was doing, but it was still pretty straightforward. now i could prolly do it in about 20 mins. well now i also have the airbag problem and i dont know how to take wheel off with the airbag on it

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IMO, it's almost a waste of money to buy a new one. I fixed mine and no problems after that. Granted, it doesn't feel/sound like new, but it works just as good.


Just pop the switch apart (it's snapped at the hinge), clean the contacts, bend them out a little more so they touch better, put some contact grease (I used dielectric grease) to lube the contacts, then snap the sucker back together. It should function good as new, and if you use the right lubing grease, might even feel like new (dielectric grease doesn't have the right feel).

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well the 'new' feeling (or lack thereof) is also effected by that huge ball bearing. i dont remeber what it looked like but maybe less or more grease on it would give it a more defined 'click'

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yea not tom mention the seats carpet where black when i got it and it has gray intrior if ya know what i mean


i got most of it out but the column still looks like it is caked with ish i have no steering whell puller to tear it apart so i have not done it yet :(

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well the 'new' feeling (or lack thereof) is also effected by that huge ball bearing. i dont remeber what it looked like but maybe less or more grease on it would give it a more defined 'click'


Yeah, that's true. I forgot the ball bearing needs to be regreased too.

Maybe also replacing the ball bearing spring will help the feel some, but I really don't care so much about how it feels so long as it works right.

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