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OHHHHHHHHHH Yeah, the turbos running on OBD II

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Well last week I got the turbo running on the 96 OBD II computer system. It runns pretty dam when, I was actually supreised. The over all swap was not easy at all but with help from Shane (redzmonte), Ken ( Crazy K) , And Taylor (3100 MPFI) I got it to run. The wiring was alot harder due to not have the passkey system in my car along with the new style cruise control. I had to change about 10 wires on the C100 but it was worth it in the long run. I have the system running the 42.5# injectors, no 2nd 02, no EGR, no CPV. I am going to get the exhasut done next weekend and should start driving it again, this way I can start working on my other project (sunfire Gt- SCCA track car). If anyone wants to do the swap on there car, let me know and I would be glad to help. As for pics, your just gonna have to wait till tomorrow.


The wideband will be hooked up along with the exhasut, the tune is HP tuners.


HP Tuners FTW!! Direct WB02 logging with the MAF correction histogram makes tuning so easy.


I am sorry its DHP, not HPT. But it runs awesome, cant wait to actually get the exhaust on.


Did you use a 96 PCM or a 97 PCM? You will want to use a 97 PCM... many more tuning options.


I am using a 96, the 97 has a new tranny, the 96 uses the 4t60e


Yeap, I have a 4t60e as well and I am using a 97 computer out of a Chevy Venture Van :lol:


Works great, I highly suggest the swap as 96 PCM's are totally gimped as far as tuning goes.


Although, what engine is this on? I don't know what car you have but from your username, I don't know how using a 97 PCM would/could work with a DOHC....


I don't know how using a 97 PCM would/could work with a DOHC....


The last year for the DOHC was 97, so I would assume it would work.


I don't think the cutlass got the 3.4 in 97



the reason for not using a 97 pcm was the 97 had a dohc with a 4t65 and not a 4t60.


that is a good question I did not think of either. why a 97 vs a 96? I actually provided the PCM for the swap, and RedmonteZ(sp?) is the one who programmed it. most likely this project stuck to a 96 pcm because of the 3.4 running with a 4t60 on obdII only that year, and the basis of the programming started with a compatibly programmed pcm (which could only be a 96)


I am sorry its DHP, not HPT. But it runs awesome, cant wait to actually get the exhaust on.

Hope your good with excel, your going to need it. :razz:


I will have some pics this weekend, getting exhasut on :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

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