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Odd smell/problem


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Ok i got an odd thing for u guys, tonight i went out for a drive (like 20 minutes) and when i got back home i noticed a strange smell, almost a burning smell, so i narrowed to smell down to the rear drivers side wheel or breaks. And the actual wheel it self is like a thousand degrees. Anyone got any ideas as to what could be wrong?

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Yah i just had that happened to me, yup, 900(cdn) bucks later i got all new rotors, pads and 1 new caliper,, and my breaks work awesome, man i hate GM'S STUPID BRAKE DESGIN!!!!!!! and insane prices on parts! :dammit: :cuss:

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Yah i just had that happened to me, yup, 900(cdn) bucks later i got all new rotors, pads and 1 new caliper,, and my breaks work awesome, man i hate GM'S STUPID BRAKE DESGIN!!!!!!! and insane prices on parts! :dammit: :cuss:

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The same thing happend to me, except it happend once on the passenger side then couple weeks later on the drivers side. Now it doesn't do it anymore. But the mechanic said that my rotors are warped because of the heat, oh well, they were brand new so maybe I can return them somehow.

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But i could still drive


But also look at the size.

The front brakes do over 75% of all braking power.

Ten bucks says if you pull the wheel (when it cools) you'll won't be able to turn it by hand compared to other one.


- Erik

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My dad and i just took the wheel off and it is harder to turn then the other wheels but its not frozen. Then we put the wheel back on, and my dad took it for a drive, he said it felt fine, and they ain;t glowin red, so mabye we will check it again tomorrow. Any more suggestions.

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Ok so today i drove to and from work, and i had the same problems as last night. So me and my dad bought a new caliper and put it on in an hour and a half. All is good except there is now a clanging noise, when the car goes over bumps. Any clue what it is, cause it is gonna be pissin me off.

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i kinda remember that happening to my 91 LE. when i dad whould change the brakes in the back (for some reason id always need a new caliper on the wheel that needed replacement) he would put it on and id get this clanking. he heard it and just said there wasnt anything he could do or that its normal or something so i just lived with it. the brakes totally sucked anyways so i just didnt give 2 shits. i dont rememebr if it evetually went away or not. i think it mightve who knows

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Glowing Red? This isn't Le Mans. :lol:


But anyways... Never had a caliper seize up on me, but I did have on start to leak right through the boot. I would imagine Gm's glorious design on these had something to do with it.


I've heard people have used 94+ calipers. Do they fit the same as stock? Or is there modification required?

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So me and my dad bought a new caliper


You can get those things singular? Law of automobildom is to replace both calipers. Mind you, with GM, the new one will only work as good as the old one on the other side anyway. :roll: Oh well.

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