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A W-body with a problem? WOW! I must be joking!


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So the car (1995 Monte Carlo Z34) is making some funky creaking

noises like coffin hinges (hence the subject). Apparently, it's making

it from both front-end suspensions over bumps. Mostly noticeable

during slower driving through parking lots and streets, etc., it creaks

and squeaks like metal-on-rubber while the suspension slowly moves

up-and-down, leading me to suspect the bushings (which ones, I

haven't figured out yet). Anyone know which is more likely? Or should

I just replace all of them? Choices? I'm not particularly interested in

a harsher ride, though if Energy Suspension makes a decent

replacement, would you recommend it?


Next...I hate my air conditioner. When it's cool, and going full-blast, the

passenger-side is getting warm-to-hot air. I haven't found any vacuum

leaks to speak of, but I figured someone might have encountered this

before to help lead me in a better direction. Aside from this, I would

imagine the relatively modest cooling capacity would have to do with

this heat coming in from somewhere. If I can isolate that heat entry,

I'd imagine the A/C would be cooler than current.

(Aside from this, I can't stand how the car manages to redirect the

air from the dash to the feet during heavy-pedal acceleration or hill

climbing. Ferkin' annoying to say the least - is this common?)


Otherwise, uh, I think the car runs fine. Just got back from a massive

road-trip to Calgary, and Swift Current Saskatchewan (job application

and transfer time - I hope), and the car did as well as could be...aside

from the above issues.


Oops, remembered another one. Usually, the car is started, the ABS

System does its clickity-clack test on my front rotors and pads, the

yellow ABS light goes out, I disengage the E-brake, the red (!) light

goes out...and off I go. NOW...if I "hold!" the brake while starting the

car, the ABS test is not done, and the yellow ABS light stays on. At first

it didn't, but now the red emergency light stays on as well once I

disengage the E-brake. There are no drivability issues associated,

and the system still functions. Though remember, the lights go out

so long as I do not hold the brake when I start the car. It never did

this before as I have always held the brake when starting out of habit

with standard trannies, so...wtf?


(sigh) I'm done.

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I can't give any advice on the weird noises, but as much as we love our W-bodies, sometimes you just want to take a little anger out on these bullshit problems!!! :arrow: :guns: :bash:


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I KNEW I saw you driving to Calgary!!! I KNEW it!


Saw you right after Yahk! I was in my buddy's Camry.


The only guy in the area with a monte with no front licence plate. :P


The squeaking is probably rear suspension bushings... Just my thought.


Air conditioner: Maybe check to make sure all the deflectors are moving properly/aren't binding?

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Yeah, t'was me. And heads up for Mike, I saw a red Lumina Euro with a bra at Panago in Nelson two days ago. If it wasn't yours, it was damn near exactly the same. So we either saw another tourist, or there's another one in the area that I'll be waving at without you behind the wheel and the person being completely confused as to why they keep getting waved at everywhere they go. :lol:


Creakin' def. coming from the front. I think ol' WD-40 is going to be paying a visit to each one until I find the one that stops squeaking.


A/C - Looks like I'll be taking the seat out for that one. Laying under the dash is a pain in the ass when you're even 6' 2". Damn near couldn't bend straight when I was laying over the rocker panel for an hour to work on my stereo the other time. Live and learn I guess.

Was advised to check the check-valve under the hood. :? Where the hell is it?

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for the A/C problem, have you checked to see whether you need a recharge? i read another post on this forum that had similar symptoms to yours and it ended up that the a/c needed recharging

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I inquired to the cost and part numbers to a recharge kit...and as it appears, unless I have all the equipment handy, it can't be done by myself with just the canister they sell you. It'll be the next thing I have tested for the shop to take care of I guess.


She blows pretty darn cold at the driver-door side though...so let's hope a recharge is all that's wrong.

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