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Custom Cold Air Finished... PICS POSTED FINALLY!!!


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and so far i like it. It kinda feels as though im loosing a little bit of bottom end, but i can notice a considerable amount of topend gain from it... When i first put it in, i noticed a little problem with shift points being pushed back (higher RPM) and that kinda worried me but after a day or so, it kinda un-fucked itself and runs like a raped ape now... especially right after it is done raining and the air is cool and moist and the ground is wet... hehehehehe... never thaught i could get tire smoke out of my car on wet pavement... lol




- Justin

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Of course I'll see this with the photo, but how did you route it?

Did you re-locate the battery like everything else?

Very interested to see! Nice going!!! :D


- Erik

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i know what your talking about! I got quite a bit of smoke right after I put mine in after the rain. Its also nice going for an early drive (like 5:30 in the morn), when its kinda cold, the pavements cold, and the tires are cold...so much fun.

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Dang, you all need rain to light them up, i just drop the clutch at 3500rpm and then i cant see anyhting. smoke first comes from the sides of the car, then it comes through my dash right outside the windshield, then from my hood louvers. its bad, just ask Luke how much smoke i left after leaving a 60 ft. trail of pure 7in rubber in kansas city :twisted:

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Okay lets again sum up what we have learned:


1), Justin's thread is being high-jacked


2) 5spds can do better burnouts than autos


3) We already knew #2


4) No one cares about stories of people proving #2 is correct (refer to #3)



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Dang, you all need rain to light them up, i just drop the clutch at 3500rpm and then i cant see anyhting. smoke first comes from the sides of the car, then it comes through my dash right outside the windshield, then from my hood louvers. its bad, just ask Luke how much smoke i left after leaving a 60 ft. trail of pure 7in rubber in kansas city :twisted:


thats funny how I could make smoke with my 3.1 on dry asphalt without dumping the shit out of the transmission. I saw a stock '85 civic stick shift do the same thing

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keep in mind that i have an auto and im at 6000 feet altitude... kinda hard to light em up with less power and auto...


back to what i said in the first post, anyone have the shifting problem afterwards??? it is shifting fine now, but i think the computer was pissed due to less vacume cuz of the higher airflow but i think it adjusted itself... pics in about 10 minutes!!


- Justin


and what is it with my posts always being hijacked???


never fucking fails... lol


*EDIT:* gotta run home and grab memory stick for the camera, gonna be like 30 minutes

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RIGHT HERE SMART ASS!!! hehehe, j/p - had issues remembering my password for uploading em, lol.


anyway here are the pics as promised. So i guess its not a "TRUE" cold air, but it helps tremendously, and even after railing on it a bit for like an hour and a half, the pipe is still cool to the touch...





Sensor is drilled and mounted in the pipe as well. My next step is ro slightly move the AC Condenser??? from below where the stock airbox was, back about 2 inches and i can run my piping down and pull real cold air. Im am heat wrappig the pipe as well, that should help a little too, and maybe working on something so that i can put the stock airbox back in ontop of the intake so it looks stock... im sneaky like that... im just not sure how imma hide my 20G turbo when that goes in though, any ideas???


- Justin

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when ya get on it hard and it shifts do you notice a clunking noise?


or when ya put ir in reverse ya notice it?


yeah, but not from the intake, its in there solid and secure... the only clunking noise i get is from the cracket and broken bushings in my dogbones... anyone ever try the FFP dogbones??? how do you like em???


i live about 45 minutes from FFP so i think imma head there sometime and check em out.


- Justin

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is it just on my car or is the throttle body opening an oval? not the butterfly but like the place where the air tube hooks up to the opening of the TB???

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:lol: yea i was gunna say that i noticed them in the pics i replaced mine with stock it still clunks in reverse so one or both on bottom are bad


that will be a fun project considering have a gravel drive!

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is it just on my car or is the throttle body opening an oval? not the butterfly but like the place where the air tube hooks up to the opening of the TB???


the opening is an oval, yes, and as for the dogbones... those are about 8 months old and they arer already cracked and broken. they were brand new when i got them 8 months ago and $140 each (although i didnt pay for them, my dad did)


When i first put them in, i didnt have any clunking at all and it was all smooth, but now it has about 2 inches play...


But back on topic, what do ya'll think about the intake???


- Justin

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i paid $20 for the filter, $6 for the breather, $3 for the rubber thing that connects the tube onto the TB, and i had some guys at minekie bend me some pipe out of 3 inch SS scrap pipe for FREE!!!


- Justin

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a local shop called turn5... its a K&N breather, and the cone is from the FnF section on Pep Boys

It seems to be holding up pretty good


- Justin

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Guest Anonymous
i just drop the clutch at 3500rpm


What do you mean you spun a couple bearings?!?!?!?!?!?!? :roll:



Aaron, just fucking drop it about how fast and great your car is. I don't fucking care to read it everyday. And I'm sure there are other people that don't care. It really gets old after hearing it over on the other board since I joined and now you're here. Just fucking drop it. Christ, it doesn't even fucking run right now.

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Guest Anonymous

Sorry about that Justin. As for your question about the FFP dogbones, I have them on my TGP and I'll never put stockers on again. I love them.

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Guest RedCutlassSL

i have to agree with redturbo, aaron, fucking drop it. I'd laugh if my 3100 Cutlass took your Z34, seeing as how I've already beat 2 LQ1s

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