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should i primer? ahh night shade!! :(:(


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just picked up this Z34 back panel for my monte the other day. gonna make it look a lil nicer by tinting the reverse light bar and repainting the black piece to a glossyer black. should i put some primer on before i paint it black or is the sanding good enough?


i also moved "monte carlo" to the middle under the bowtie. what do you think about that? cool? i didn't glue it or anything i just placed it there to see what it looked like.



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well i just night shaded my reverse bar and never would of expected this..





looks like absolute shit. what did i do wrong?? how do i fix it?? i did my tail lights with no problem

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What did you do in the way of prep work on that? A lot of things could of gone wrong...


As for the other part you were asking if you need to primer it. That all depends on what your using for paint. Some paints will require a primer sealer, others will not. Personally I would of just buffed the shit out of it.



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alright well here is a list.

wet sanded it with 1500 grit wet sandpaper until the surface was smooth and that i couldn't feel any bumps

cleaned it up and made sure there wasn't any dirt or anything on there

put it outside in my garage and closed the door so no wind would mess things up (it's about 45 degrees idk if that would have anything to do with it)

and then i just started to spray. and that was my first coat. i missed a couple spots so i hit it with a little spray.

idk i'm kind of upset!!

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How wet was your initial coat? I found nightshades to work best with 2 o 3 REALLY light coats before getting into anything heavy.


Wet sand what you have and see what happens, it will either get better or you will sand through it. In which case just strip it with a paint thinner. NOT a lacquer thinner, this would eat the plastic. Your best bet is an enamel paint thinner like Varsol



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I wouldn't prime it if your wet-sanding didn't wear through the color coat, if it did wear through anywhere you'll see the spot through the new top coat no matter what you do.

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probably too think coats. I did all my cutty lights just fine, and then tried to do my spare fogs on the TGP in the fall and it turned out like that, pretty sure because I rushed it and sprayed a ton on them

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