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OK, this noise is driving me NUTS!


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I have a creaking under my dash near the glove box. The noise gets louder when the glove box is opened.


The main time I hear it is when I have the signals or 4 ways on, it matches the rate of the signal beacon on the dash. BUT, if I turn the HVAC fan knob on even just one notch, the creak goes away completely. Is there a relay under the dash over there or something? its driving me insane (I know, short trip)



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See I thought that, but what doesn't make sense is the sound goes away when the fan comes on... The only thing that is consistently on when I hear the noise is the signals.

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That fan will turn even when its not on just from air coming thru the ducts from outside. When you turn the fan on it may push whatever is in there out of the way. Depending on what model it is you can remove the glove box and flip up the air recirculate lid on the fan and see whats in there. On some of the older models if you had the air on recirculate and fan on high the fan would suck any papers you had in the glove box down into the fan box. Mine drove me crazy like that and I found a bank statement from the person that owned the car before me inside the fan.

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