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STE Power Seat Question


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Ever since I got this car the power seats have always been suspect. Intermittently working. You can make them work (if they aren't working) by jiggling the wires under the seat, which means wiring issues. So, I'd like to take both out and look at and redo the wiring in them. However, to remove the seats you have to move them all the way back and all the way forward to get to the bolts. On the passenger side this is no problem as it moves back and forth manually. The driver seat, though, is all power. Currently it won't move forward to backwards or pretty much any of its directions. Any ideas on how to move the seat manually so I can take it out?

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lol i have my trick but it may not work for you. Take the cable that goes for the back and forth motor off on the motor, then put a drill on the cable and turn away :mrgreen: It may sound complicated but once you do it the first time it is all easy

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I have the answer! I always use my booster pack. I have a spare pigtail that I plug into the seat and connect the wires to my booster pack, and voila! It goes where ever I want it to go. It's a pita to do though in such tight spaces, but at least you have 4 doors. I actually took out the bottom cushions of my rear buckets for more room.

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Actually, when I went into the yard I got one of the slave boys to help me pull my AQ9's. All he did was get a battery and connect the wires. Although, he had to cut up the AQ9 wiring harness to get them to move.

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