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Sold the regal :(


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Hey guys,


Just thought I would put an update out there. Recently joined the J-Body group i know i know i can hear you all groaning lol I bought a 2003 Cavalier Sedan, fully loaded, black, with 119,000kms. I purchased her for 5300$ which happens to be seven thousand less than the dealership thought they could get for it lmao.

In consequence I had to sell the dear old Regal. She was just to fallen apart to fix, the rockers went, the muffler fell off, couldnt keep brakes on her, and gas mileage was worse than I have ever seen it, im talking 300kms to a 65litres tank :cry: I did manage to get a whole 600bucks selling her though, and have to admit driving a new car is amazing, no headaches no worries, just fill her up and drive.

Other than that things are pretty much the same, still detailing, living in hamilton.

Wondering if anyone is still meeting up on wednesdays, have been out a couple nights looking for you guys but couldnt find anyone...

Msg me and let me know...

Hope everyone is doing well.





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Holy crap man! J-body FTL!! You've been going to too many of those Wed night meets.


Matt and I never go to those meets anymore, we never hear about them. Where are you guys meeting up these days? Maybe we can come down next time I'm on days.



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Hey Jamie, i havnt been to a meet in a while. Dont even know if they are still meeting. I havnt seem them the last couple of weeks. But now that the new car gets better gas mileage, I would be up for a trip to KW anytime you and Matt are free. Ya I know guys J-Body :lol: but I was looking around for a 4cyl car and there really isn't much out there. I sure as hell was not driving an import :willynilly: So I settled for a little 4dr Cavalier. And its not that bad really.

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J-bodies aren't the greatest cars in the world but the newer ones really haven't had time to become total shitboxes yet, like the 95-ish ones have. ;)


Congrats on the new car and I'm sorry to hear about your Regal. :-/

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Ya, the later generation Cavalier isnt as plagued with as many problems as the earlier ones. Plus the fact that the car has an ecotec probably helps :lol: And front pads are like 16$ :willynilly:

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Ya, the later generation Cavalier isnt as plagued with as many problems as the earlier ones. Plus the fact that the car has an ecotec probably helps :lol: And front pads are like 16$ :willynilly:


Those little cavaliers are bullet proof IMO. Me and my buddies who work at this local pizza place have reeked havok on the delivery car for a few years now, a 2002 Cavalier with the 2.2 and an auto. It currently has 140,000 inner-city KMS of sheer abuse...the trans and engine are all original and still tight after alot of "manual" shifting/down-shifting. The brakes are another story though... :lol:

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My 91 Cavalier was bulletproof!! You could not kill that little car. It was a 2.2 auto. The newer ones iv heard less good things about though. Does your at least have power lock and windows? Seems like most of the ones we get in work are bone stock.

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Ya usually, but mine is loaded. Keyless entry, pwr locks and windows, upgraded stereo, rear spoiler, the only thing it doesnt have is cruise.

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Ya usually, but mine is loaded. Keyless entry, pwr locks and windows, upgraded stereo, rear spoiler, the only thing it doesnt have is cruise.


j-bodies are never "loaded"

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My 99 Sunfire had nothing, it was manual everything, lol... I hated that car, but wasn't given a choice. I needed a car for work and my parents bought it for me (I was to pay them back)

10 days later I wrote it off, not on purpose, although some say that I disliked the car so much I did it accidentally on purpose.

Heres a couple carnage pics!






Would I buy another? no, cause like I said I hated that gutless car, would I buy one for say, my kid, yeah, car saved me from my own stupidity...



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I was pretty banged up...

I ran a red light, got t-boned by an Audi Quatro, spun around to get nailed in the ass by an Impala going the opposite direction as the Audi.

When I got the first hit my head went through the drivers side door window.

I spent 6 hours at the hospital strapped to a plank of wood. Not once did they pay attention to the abrasion on my temple. When I got home my room mate assisted in pulling shards of glass out of my face. The hospital was just focused on my back.


I've been sued twice for that accident by the same driver, she has gotten nothing both times and can no longer make another attempt. She also tried suing the other driver and my father, neither of which were at any fault, the other driver was at no more fault than she was. But her lawsuit papers were shots in the dark just hopping to get me on one accusation.


My biggest "injury" was in my head. I was weary of getting back behind the wheel of a car... but I did and haven't turned back since... I still look at those pics every now and then just to remind me to pay attention when I'm driving...



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