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Trying to diagnose my RICH running engine for a while now...well, tonight I went out with a flashlight because it would be easier to "focus in" on the little things(you know what I mean) that's hard to do in BRIGHT daylight...


Anyways, I found 2 "cracks" in the vacuum line that comes out of the throttle body and INTO the Fuel Pressure Regulator.


So, can someone convince me that this IS a bad problem. I mean, I'm looking at the "cracks" going, "this can't possibly cause A LOT of problems, can it?"...


So people that have had experience with cracked vacuum lines, TELL ME that this is my problem, please!!!:) I can't stop my freakin' brain from telling me that these 2 little "cracks" are NOT a big deal...someone knock some sense into me!!


Could this also be causing my MAP sensor to be reading slightly higher than normal?


I know that engine vacuum is used to force the Fuel Pressure Regulator down by about 3-10 psi, and I'm thinking that these leaks in the vacuum hose may make it so that the pressure doesn't drop by as much as it's supposed to, right?


Someone!!!?? I'm in denial here!:)




When you go WOT, you loose vacuum. As you loose vacuum the FPR realizes that you have less manifold vacuum and therefore more air coming in and therefore an open throttle blade. The less vacuum there is, the higher fuel pressure it will allow into the fuel rail. With a crack in the hose you will be loosing vacuum out, there for the FPR sees low vac. and applies more fuel pressure. This could be the reason for a rich condition, depending on the leak. Really can't say, but does it really matter? If it's broken fix it. It's gonna cost you about $.25


Umm, hate to sound like a retard, but what does RTV stand for? I assume it's silicone...


Can't I purchase the exact same hose from a dealer or something?? Or is that out of the question?




OK, so what I do to temporarily FIX the cracks in the vacuum line? Do I just buy some RTV Silicone? Is there a certain type I am supposed to buy? I need to know ASAP because all stores close in 3.5 hours...


I would just replace the line, but I'll have to wait and order it from the dealer...




Isn't it just a vacuum hose? If not, you can use just about anything. Duct tape, RTV (room temperature vulcanizing) it's basically a rubber that when exposed to well, room temp. it seals. Just slather some on there, but let it dry or you will suck it up into the FPR. If it's like a fancy one, just get a union of some kind and cut off the bad part and replace it with some new stuff. HTH.

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