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ignition switch


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okay here is my problem i saw white smoke come from the steering colum sorry spelling in a rush and i checked the blinkers and nothin is harmed so i am figuring since my car had the so called problem with the starter... which i now know it is the ignition switch so my question is


has any one taken theres off and how did you do it ?

i also have tilt steering


i am wondering if there is a trick like the older vehicles you could use a pin and get it out is that possible for these..



help out a desperate younger fellow i need my car runnin


thanks in ahead



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I am wondering if there is a trick like the older vehicles you could use a pin and get it out is that possible for these.

I am wondering what you are talking about. Explain more, are you talking about the lock cylinder or the ing. switch?

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Okay, yeah, that's the lock cylinder. I'm not sure but I believe they did away w/ the easy removal you spoke of. Pull the wheel off, take out the TSS, and turn the key to RUN not start and a little black button will pop up. Push it in and pull on the key and the lock cylinder will slide out. If I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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