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any CS vert parts cars in the Nashville area?

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anybody in the nashville Tn area know of any parts cars around...vert or two door?




I'm in Nashville. PullAPart crushed 2 prematurely. Got to be quick there. Bobby Whites in Columbia is a good source for 2 doors. David


Thanks for the tips.


I have yet to fully introduce myself although I have posted a request for info previously. I am in the process of rescueing my first vert. It is still at the trans shop (3 weeks now) in the city I bought it in....60 miles away.


IF I ever get the trans problem solved....looks like a total rebuild is required due to a chewed up pump shaft bearing assembly.....I will need a few cosmetic parts.


Primarily a front bumper cover.


The seller had nudged the front end when someone "brake-checked" him at a stop sign.


The fender brace is bent but did not crease the fender or break the paint. The front bumber is punctured/torn and scraped.


I think I can remove the fender, straighten the braket and rehang the fender to properly align but,,,it will need a bumper cover. I hope to find a white one to eliminate any paint work.


I found a new remaned cover for $240 plus paint


If I cant find a used whit bumper....a "bra" may be an option for now.



So....Pull-A-Part crushed two verts recently?....that really blows.


Bobby Whites in Columbia....more info and contact would be helpful. what did you see there?


PS...hello neighbors.


I run across white cuttys pretty regular at my local yards here in St louis. I pulled a white fender off for the forum owner (Gnat). I could keep an eye out. St louis isnt 2 far away, and would be cheaper for you to drive up, and get it, vs shipping it.


Thanks for keeping an eye.


you said..."would be cheaper for you to drive up, and get it, vs shipping it."


I hope your right but by the way it looks.......maybe not....dammit


I hadnt noticed that the gas prices had gone up to 3.69 locally. I cant afford to go out much. To expensive..


a little personal bitch and moan.......


I'm over fifty...throughout my life the one single activity that provided me the most joy and relaxation was a ride in the country.


As a child....my family often would simply ride and look...it was always an adventure. As I grew through my teens and twenties, thirties and beyond....a ride is still the best.


As I got older, more responsibilities, more debt, a house and all the things that go along with and support those things....there was less time and even less extra money so most recreation ceased with the exception of my usual and beloved sunset drives.


Now....as times are getting harder.....the one thing that gives me the most joy and serenity is now becoming a near impossibility too.


Some may say that my riding around for fifty years, and others like me, may be the reason we all suffer with soon to be $4 gas and global warming...to those I apologize while I reserve the right to disagree.



just a thought......


Hey Pontiac...


If you see anything in the ST area...I might be able to arrange a pickup.


let me know


Hunstville is pretty close.


I am rescueing this car ...havent got it home yet (been over a month) to know exactly the extent of the parst I may need.


Never driven it.


I know I need a front bumper cover (at least), probbaly both fogs too. I need a white one if I can find one.


also I need the curved plastic trim on the driver's side at the rear of the ragtop. This is the three peice plastic surround at the openig at the rear deck. Mine is broken.


Other than those two items...at this time I am guesing and unsure.


I hope to get the car out of the trans shop sometime this coming week and will hopefully have the time to give it a good look.


whatcha got?




a little personal bitch and moan.......


I'm over fifty...throughout my life the one single activity that provided me the most joy and relaxation was a ride in the country.



buddy, you just found the key to happiness.


Riding around in a CS vert on a june evening is a memory you can take to the grave.


Its almost spiritual.


A friend of mine pretty much captured my thoughts when he said, "Its like riding free as a bird"


Nothing, I mean nothing beats a ride in your favorite convertible.


Hunstville is pretty close.


I am rescueing this car ...havent got it home yet (been over a month) to know exactly the extent of the parst I may need.


Never driven it.


I know I need a front bumper cover (at least), probbaly both fogs too. I need a white one if I can find one.


also I need the curved plastic trim on the driver's side at the rear of the ragtop. This is the three peice plastic surround at the openig at the rear deck. Mine is broken.


Other than those two items...at this time I am guesing and unsure.


I hope to get the car out of the trans shop sometime this coming week and will hopefully have the time to give it a good look.


whatcha got?


I have a pretty much complete white '93 3.4 'Vert. I mainly got it for the 5 spoke wheels and the CD Radio and also it was way too good of a car to be crushed. I am not really sure what problems the engine had but supposedly the tranny is good also. If you wanted to drive to HSV and check it out you would be more than welcome. I also drive up there about every week because my daughter takes pitching lessons there. If I could fit the parts in the back of my HHR you could meet me somewhere in the Antioch area. I would probably sell the whole parts car if you were interested.


thanks Clarke,


Specifically....how is the front bumper cover and the plastic trim around the back cowl/deck area?


Assuming the front bumper cover has the fogs and doesnt need any paint work...whats that worth to you?


only about 150 mile round trip to your place....Antioch about 45.


Actually...if you are driving north on 231 from Huntsville...you drive past my house on your way to pitching practice



  • 2 weeks later...

Hey kaptjack- You're young. I'm 64 and the reason you stated I echo. Mine is a 94 red with black top. Came with the door dings already installed. See on the the grey roads. Take Central Pike East to the Cedars flea market on the weekend. Ma


Hey MA,


Dont know if I git the full jest of the last part of your post.


Yea, I was typing along and double-thumbed it then I saw it was just gone and it was time to go home. Anyway, I was suggesting the drive over into Wilson County is nice- we did that this weekend. I also sent to a reply about Pull-A-Part haveing a white Cutlass 2-dr with a front bumper cover. I got my red one there for about $20. Around row 143 I think. Anyway, maybe I'll see you on the boulevard. David


Hey David,


Lots of nice rides in Wilson Co.


I went through all of Pull-a-parts inventory last Monday. Nothing there I could use ...no verts at all. They did have about 4 coupes though.


Yes, I was there today and found a nice arm rest pad. I was mistaken on the row number for the white coupe (136 is correct). I mentioned Bobby Whites in Columbia. I haven't been down there in a while but I can tell you how to find it.

Take I65 South to exit 37. Turn left (East) onto SR 50 (Nre Lewisburg Hwy) 1/2 mile. Then turn left onto Joe Reeves Rd for .3 mile.

Then, turn left again onto Luke Moser Rd for .6 mile. So, it isn't far off I65. Expect mud after today's storms. But, you can drive to the car. Get what you need and pay on your way out. If you need engine parts or front clip parts, stop at the main building when you enter. Go inside and speak with Bobby at the counter. He is the only one there that can say "yea" pr Nay" and put a price on things.

Not as well organized as Pull-A-Part, of course. But, if you don't see what you need, just ask. Good Luck! David. BTW, no converts when I was there last Fall.



Thanks for the info David.


Well...I will be on the look for parts most the early summer at least....I will be making several trips to different yards.....what are you looking for in case I run across some stuff?






I'm set right now. I need an ashtray for the passenger rear side. Or just the lid.

The lens over the dome light has fractured and I haven't done anything about that.

It needs a better transmission, but I will keep going with this one for now. (Slow to engage initially when cold.)

Money is tight.

I've switched my focus to my son's 95 CS 4-door.

It had a lower intake gasket issue that was easily resolved.

But, now I'm nervous about camshaft twisting from earlier threads.

It also has some minor wiring issues I'm dealing with-door and window switches.

At least the body and interior are good.

Thanks for the offer.

I was thinking of visiting Pull-A-Part in Knoxville the next time I'm visiting up there.

Besides a front bumper cover, anything else you need?

BTW, I removed a remote start setup from the 4-door to eliminate any variables.

If you want it, let me know.





I dont know what I need yet.


My story about this car is an odd one that I hope I can sit down and explain/post about it in detail one day soon.


I bought it over two months ago...I have never driven it...it is still 70 miles from in the shop, and is still not repaired...I hope to get it home soon so I can really go through it with a fine tooth comb and make a list of stuff it needs.


I think I found and bought a bumper yesterday. Its in a yard in Springfield. Correct color, no real paint damage, 96 model, complete with brackets, rebar, bolts, fogs (missing lenses...where do you get those?).


They are supposed to be removing it for me today. If all goes well and they dont destroy it during removal...it was a good find in very good cosmetic condition.


Looking under my car at what I may be facing in the R&R of the bumper.....there is some "bendage" that I will have to try and straighten.


The frame rails look good and true but the crumple design of the bumper/rebar mounts did as designed and folded away with the slight impact the car suffered. (somebody 'brake-checked" him at a stop sign)


I hope after I get the bumper off I can hammer and pry the welded brackets into a suitable alignment, rehang the fender and attach the replacement bumper/rebar assembly, align panels and drive.


more to follow






Yes, I don't smoke or allow it in the car but I don't like the way it is.

I've had mine for a couple of years. It was "rode hard and put up wet" by an idiot. But, the wife and I have it reliable and cruise when we can. It's my daily driver. I like working on them and with Pull-A-Part as a fairly recent discovery I'm making progress.

I visited a junk yard just North of Lewisburg today. They have some 4 doors and one two door. It's snakey there. Wouldn't advise going in the Summer. I pulled the rear sun deck from a 4 door, the under dash carpet panels and an original set of Olds floor mats in good shape for $15. Bobby Whites was CLOSED. Be sure to call before driving down there. I called and they didn't answer but I wanted to visit the one in Lewisburg anyway. Let me know if I can ever help. David


I may have one lens but you can get the entire fog light at Pull-A-Part.

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