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Frying batteries...


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Some idiot salesperson decided to put a battery charger on my car over the weekend, even though the battery is junk. To their credit, they couldn't have known that, but there was no reason to move the car. Like a real douchebag, they never took it off the car, and literally fried the battery. Fortunately, it didn't explode all over the new paint, but with something like that, is there any REAL potential to hurt more than just the battery? I haven't been out to start the car, because I don't need to. I'm going to talk to the sales manager in a few minutes, and find out who, and why. There are vent acid marks on the strut tower where the battery was venting bad.


Is there a possibility of toasting a BCM or worse, a PCM in something like this? Thanks.

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Well, the battery was junk anyways. Wouldn't hold a charge for 2 seconds...literally. It was eight years old. I already had one coming. I drove the car today, and all is well. I raised a fuss about it, but some things aren't lining up. I never hooked that charger up, and the thing is old enough that it doesn't have over charge protection in it.


I don't think I'm going to take it any further, as I don't have to fix anything that was not already messed up. I have no proof of who did it, either. That's the REAL problem. If I could prove it, or if the car would have had to have been repainted, I'd have raised a REAL fuss.

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