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i was wondering if anyone here has a w-body with the 3100 which seems to run cool somedays and overheat others? the outside temp is same around 89' ... i have a oil cooler but still the damn thing overheats sometimes ... i was thinking of maybe a small 8 inch fan on the side of the motor may help a bit? any ideas , im running no t-stat at all so it has all the coolant it can pull .... i recently seen some coolant additive called 40 below http://www.speedwaymotors.com/product.ASP?wc=true&strBase_List=&hilt=&source=2192&base_no=91016003&str_base_no=54535500,60710030,91015709,91016001,91016002,91016003,&header_title=Street+Rod+Products-Additives&page_name=prod_list_display&search_type=L2~502&search_option=&deptsearch=&dept_id=L2~502&dept_id_p=&dept_name=&dept_name_p=Street+Rod+Products&ShowImages=yes&sq=0&cont=1&intPgNo=1&redirect= but i am not sure if it will work with dex cool any one else tryed this?? thanks


Funny thing is... an oil cooler won't deal with overheating.

It's your actually coolant tempreture / system.

Sounds like you radiator fans could not working properly (common W-Body problem).

I'd look into the obvious first before dumping in foreign matter into your cooling system.

What tempreture are you reaching? Always stop + go? Driving? Need more details.


- Erik


mostley most stop and go , it reaches up to about hmmm since my temp dont have the degress numbers , i would say about a finger nail width from the line away from HOT , so it gets pretty damn hot , both fans work fine , i did a flush about 6k miles ago , so im pretty much clueless , only other thing i can think of is that fan or maybe that coolant additive... thanks :)


Putting a fan on the side of the motor won't do much/anything. Put the fan in front or behind your radiator but needs to be at least 12-14" dia. .

Some coolant additives help some, I have used "Water Wetter" brand and noticed it cooled a little better. I don't think its a real good idea to run with no t-stat on a computer controlled engine. Put at least a 160-180 degree one. Others can probably expand on whether a t-stat is critical.

Why are you running without one ?


i have a 89 cutlass mine has 2 lines before the hot mark the second one is straight up. i live in cali so its hot here it goes to that mark and the fan kicks on but it shouldn't get that hot but it does. i have looked the radiator and bugs have smashed the loovers so i would check that first it inhibits the air from flowing efficiently

just a suggestion

good luck


cool thanks , never even thought of that "doh" stupid me ... ran pretty good today she has her days :roll:


If you run w/ no thermostat and no restrictor plate you WILL not be able to cool properly. The thermostat opens and closes for a reason. When it closes it uses the rad. as a heat exchanger rather than just a dissipator. It holds coolant in the rad. so the fan can act on it. If the coolant flows unrestricted through the rad. it doesn't have enough time to cool. There may be a restriction somewhere slowing down your coolant flow enough to dimish this problem, but in a good flowing system your coolant won't cool properly.


what kind of t-stat would u say go with ? ... i race sometimes and live in florida ... like a 180?


I would go as low as possible but remember you really aren't going to reap the full benefits unless you get the fans to kick on @ a lower temp. with ECM reprogramming, or a switch.


i got 1 fan on ignition key and other normal (when ac comes on) so i should be pretty good ... thanks

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