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Guess what I saw today at a dealer


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Hello there,

today me and my friend decided to go visit an auto auction in our city, we didnt see too much, I did notice a fairly nice looking grand prix SE, but besides that nothing else.


On the way home we decided to stop at an auto dealer that sells used cars. We were walking looking at all the different cars, such as cavaliers, civics, etc, but one car caught my eye the most it was a 1991 Grand Prix GTP, well me and my friend went up to check it out. It was red and looked sweet, but you wouldnt believe what was inside...... it had everything, sunroof, that little computer thing on the dash(???), and leather seats, but best of all It was a 5-speed!

I couldnt believe it at first.

Anyways, I asked the guy about it and it turns out it was sold :cry:


it sold for $4500 Canadian, is that a good price? I dont know how much mileage it had, because the door was locked and it had tinted windows and I forgot to ask about that.

I know that if I had the money I probably would have grabbed it for sure. As soon as I saw it, it turned into my dream car (which would also be my first car)


Anyways, thats it, just sharing my siting, thanks for listening.

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I don't mean to be negative dude cause thats a really cool, rare car but unless you have money to burn don't buy a GTP as your first car, take it from me I know cause I did and 2000$ later it still needs work.

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that sucks, too bad their not as reliable as they look. Anyways, I probably wont be getting a GTP anytime soon, simply because insurance would probably kill me on it, since im 17 and this car would be the top model, and not to mention it has a fairly large engine. That is why I stated it as my dream car, since I would love to have one, in like 5 years, but by then they will probably be all gone :cry:

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that sucks, too bad their not as reliable as they look. Anyways, I probably wont be getting a GTP anytime soon, simply because insurance would probably kill me on it, since im 17 and this car would be the top model, and not to mention it has a fairly large engine. That is why I stated it as my dream car, since I would love to have one, in like 5 years, but by then they will probably be all gone :cry:


honestly dude look for a Lumina or Gutlass than. cuz insurance thinks Lumina, not racer. and the Z34 and Euro 3.4 had the same engines as the 1991-1996 GTPs, so they are just as fast if not faster cuz of weight

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I have two of them right now (one for sale) and I love both of them. The one im selling is better cond than the one im driving, cause ive done everything as far as maintenance goes. Of course i did it all myself, which isnt very hard.

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Insurance is just as much for an SE as a GTP because the insurance company doesn't recognize it as being faster and its not much I'm 17 myself and as the primary driver I pay about 1100$ for excellent comprehensive coverage. 2000$ yes that was with labor charges. Alternator (450$), starter (320$), EGR Valve twice (they're 300$ a pop), Timing belt and all the pulleys and whatnot(750$) , a new door handle (164$!!!!, yes I didn't know it was that expensive when I told them to put it on) and a bunch of other little shit I don't remember right now. So yeah, about somewhere around 2000$ with parts and labor.

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Insurance is just as much for an SE as a GTP because the insurance company doesn't recognize it as being faster and its not much I'm 17 myself and as the primary driver I pay about 1100$ for excellent comprehensive coverage. 2000$ yes that was with labor charges. Alternator (450$), starter (320$), EGR Valve twice (they're 300$ a pop), Timing belt and all the pulleys and whatnot(750$) , a new door handle (164$!!!!, yes I didn't know it was that expensive when I told them to put it on) and a bunch of other little shit I don't remember right now. So yeah, about somewhere around 2000$ with parts and labor.


my lumina is actually pretty cheap, only 87/month for partial, and im a 17 year old male with a speeding ticket.


as for my alternator, it costs me about 100$ the first time, free since then. oh, and the 8 hours, then 5, then 3 to do it. my EGR was free too, i pulled it apart, cleaned it really well, and reassembled it with new gaskets and has worked for the past year. and thats about it. this just goes to show that if you do the work yourself, you wont get raped for cost.

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Insurance is just as much for an SE as a GTP because the insurance company doesn't recognize it as being faster and its not much


Insurance is close to the same BECAUSE the GTP was a just a package for an SE model. :wink: This changed in 1998, when the GTP became it's own model.

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Living up in albeta, I pay 224 a month on my Z34 for the minimal amount of coverage, and thats with only one speeding ticket, no accidents, drivers training and a good student discount. Alberta is queer for insurance

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2,055.00 is my insurance.... that's PLPD (liability) only on my Z34, it's the highest premium the insurance company can charge, w/o any speeding tickets or accidents. the insurance was the same on my truck, 4x4 = wicked high insurance, Z34 = Sports Car = wicked high insurance. and I tried telling them it was just a Lumina, but they input the VIN #


and this is at 19 years old, at 21 there will be a small drop, then at 25, it will cut in half. but! currently, I'm not insured as the owner of the vehicle, it's registered in my dads name.... or I'd be paying 4 - 5k a year for insurance

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Great Googlie Mooglie...those rates of yours are fricken rediculous.


25 yrs old

1995 Monte Carlo Z34 (w/ a $8 discount for passive anti-theft woot woot)

Full coverage w/ collision & comprehensive - $300 deductible each


$1200 /year - or $102.89 per month as monthly payments

Though a clean driving record for 9 years allows me a 40% discount. We are allowed 1-2 tickets each year.


Apparently in Alberta, you're looking at some really rediculous things, based on what the wife had to go through when she got her drivers license in Calgary (home of the wintertime all-season tire driving Fender Benders):


If your car is Black, White, or Red - the rate goes up (no shittin')

If your age is below 25 and you are male - the rate goes up

If your age is below 22 and you are female - the rate goes up

If your car is a two door - the rate goes up


In BC, you have a base rate and selectible coverage, and the discount makes the rate go down.

In Alberta, you have a base rate with semi-selectible coverage, and the specifics like the ones I mention above makes the rate go UP.


If I get this job in Saskatchewan, I sure hope they follow the same guidelines as it is here in B.C. - 'cause insurance is cheap-cheap!

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WOW where are you people Getting Insurance from??


I go though State Farm and I was paying 80/month on my STE full with a 250 Deduct...


then when i hit 25 It went to about 390-400/6months with a 250 deduct


I have had 3 speeds and an exhabition...but I think those would bee off my Record...


and when I pull my Olds out after putting a motor in it my STE will go to 50/month and 25/month for the olds


with the olds going for liability and primary car....


and when winter hits I go Just comp on the STE and that goes to 180/6 months....



Talk to state farm...not all agents have the same Rate either I have found that out....

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