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The air conditioning compressor on my 1995 Cutlass is not working. The clutch is probably shot due to it not engaging the compressor when I have the a/c setting on. Now can you replace just the clutch or is it a big hassle where as it would be easier to exchange the whole unit for a new one?


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If the clutch is dead, you'll have to replace the entire compressor.

However, I really, really doubt the compressor is gone.

When the refridgerent (in your case R-134a) gets too low, the system will not cycle.

That mean the A/C compressor will NOT engage when the level it too low to circulate.

I would pull the clutch solenoid connector with the car running and ground it: if the compressor kicks, you're in the clear.

Recharge the A/C system and you'll be set. Do it at work all the time.

Best of luck! :D


- Erik

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I recharged the a/c last year and nothing happened. From what your saying then I will be changing the compressor. It was making that funny noise that they have been known to make when your driving. One question is how hard is that job or what would it cost?


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Well, since only new compressors are available and you'll be losing your refridgerent... it's hard to say.

I'd call some local AC shops around and get a price estimate.

But to remove, you'll have to unbolt the AC lines / wiring, the serp belt and the mounting bracket.


- Erik

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