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How much play should there be in a tranny mount?


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So upon further diagnostic of the clicking/rubbing front end problem. I got a person to hold the brake and put the car back and forth into drive and reverse while I looked underneath The tranny would move at least an inch in each direction if not more. So I pulled the tranny mount and it is rubber. But rust , full of hairline/dry cracks but no serious rips. Just old and the bolts are not so stiff when you pull them side to side by hand. Should the tranny mount feel pretty tight? This one also has a sqished look to it with buldging bottom.

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I was going to replace mine when i did the motor mount, but I don't think the transmission mounts are hydrolic filled like the motor mount. The replacement one (which I returned) was hard rubber.

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Ok, there should be I think 4 mounts in total? Trans, hydraulic filled engine mount, dogbone, and another trans/engine mount combo.


Change em all. I just changed them on my '94 3.4 GP w/195k. The hydraulic mount was in the worst shape. Depends on how you drive it too.

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