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So in my convertible, I was thinking about getting a new top, then I checked local prices (Tulsa, OK) and decided against it. The top isn't in too bad of shape anyways. Doesn't hardly leak (water) at all.


But, the air is a whole lot louder than it used to be, and starting to get on my nerves. So while looking at older posts I saw this..

what u need to do is on the top where the latch is on the front.turn that little hook 1 full turn so that the top sits down tighter to the windshield frame.i had water always coming in and dripping on my legs and seat.after i did that,it stopped all together,.

So is that even possible, or was he just brainstorming? And if so, would tightening that even make the wind quieter, or would it just put more stress on everything and significantly shorten the life of the top?


And as a secondary question (not as important ATM): The top has a problem going up. And it's been going down slower. Going up it needs to be "helped" a little bit, but I feel like it's hurting it when I do that. Hydraulic fluid low or something? Is it all easy to get to to check something in the pump or such?


But my first question..much more important, I'd rather a conversation start about that. :razz:


as for the J hooks that lock the front in place that is straight from the manual as they are made to be adjusted in order to maintain a seal. I think the air leakage you are talking about isn't from the front though, I think it is along the sides as they are harder to get to seal when worn.


As for the top starting to have a difficult time going up and down, your pump and hydraulic cylinders are accessible through the trunk and your pump is either low on fluid or it may need to be bled. Also make sure both of your cylinder yokes are in good operating condition as they are crucial in the movement of the top frame. My car had difficulty in raising the top and I found one broken yoke, thus I was only using one cylinder to raise/lower the top. You can locate the cylinders on each side below the quarter windows (fixed) affixed to the frame.


I have a previous discussion on this forum under "how to repair your cylinder yokes" and that should help you.


Oh, well obviously I haven't read the manual thoroughly enough. Oh well, any little bit helps on the adjusting. And the convertibles came with some pretty good quality speakers (for stock) IMO.


As for the top, forgive for not finding that in search, so many parts that could be a problem I didn't quite know what to search for, and what I did, didn't bring quite the results I was looking for. Thanks.


So during a little free time today I climbed into my trunk and checked on that. Boy getting back there isn't fun. I looked at the pump, and exactly how full it is it supposed to be? Up to the top? Halfway? And to fill it, that allen wrench plug, it's a plug right? You just take that out and put the fluid in there?


Then to bleed it (new to hydraulics) I would take the top up and down once or twice to get the fluid going through there and top it off again?



Got some ATF and a funnel at Pep Boys today, filled the pump up the rest of the way. The top went up wonderfully.

About the latches; there's an allen screw that keeps the hooks in place. Well there's only one on my car. The passenger side has one, but not the driver's side. So now I have to go looking. Maybe just scrap one from a junkyard. Unless it doesn't make that big of a difference, I don't see how it would make a huge difference, but I'm very anal about the car.

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