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A hill-billy replair tip that may come in useful!


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A guy at work has a 94 regal. Bascily owning the same car (w-body anyway) he told me he smelt gas when he filled up. His car looked pretty rusty underneath ,and both of his fuel filler tubes were rotted through (pin holes/rusty as hell. Which caused a ton of fuel to leak all over the place. In anycase I gave him a hand patching it up hilly billy style until he gets a replacement. Basicly cleaned it up with mineral spirits , whipped out some body filler and coated the main line as much as possible, then took duct tape and layered it over the bondo then did a few wrap arounds with the tape as best as possible. Its been 3 days and no leak when filling. Somthing to keep in mind if your in a jam and don't have the money/time to get this fixed asap!

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One problem with that could be that the body filler comes loose, and plugs up the fuel pump. Yes, it would work in a pinch, though. Nice work.


Thats true but if your holes are that big then I don'tthink anything would work ;)

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A friend of mine bought a 92' Grand Prix off ebay last year that leaked gas when you filled the tank, we drove about 6 hours to go get the thing, found some critter ate through the rubber hose between the tank and filler neck. took some duct tape and wrapped the hose in a target parking lot, and it lasted the drive back home, and a week or 2 afterwards till we could replace it right.

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