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GM agrees to cover 3100 3400 3800 S II and 4.3 Intake seals

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Hm, my Sonoma falls in to that...TOo bad it's been parked for 7 years and probably needs more then sludge removal. lol


Who the hell has receipts from that far back or still has the car which had that problem?




So the way that puts it, you get reimbursed only if you have had it done. They aren't going to just do the intake seal, but they will give you the money if you can provide the receipt from the repair shop that did it.


So that brings in another question: What if you do your own work?


Who the hell has receipts from that far back or still has the car which had that problem?




That's exactly how they will get out of paying a ton of re-imbursements. They are probably expecting people not to have there receipts, or the repair garage's not to have electronic files, only paper files. And got knows most repair garage's won't go digging through there old files for 1 person's receipt.


In fact, I bet most people that own these vehicle's that have had this work done will never even hear of this.


Ha, just had mine done under teh warranty.


Good info if my dad's 03 GP SE ever decides to blow it's 3100 lim gasket. IIRC the warranty is out on his.


Thats bullshit on the part of the S-Series.They have intake gaskets are almost as bad as the 3x00 motors.


My '01 blew its a little over a year ago.


Its just sad because this is how class action lawsuits go in the long run, most people get what seems to be like 1% of a "legitimate" settlement. Thats corporate America for you.


TOny the S Series is included in the settlement


Ya up to '00. The problem is all the way through '04 or '05, when they stopped producing the blazer.


And it looks like all they cover is the sludge buildup, not actual intake gaskets.


FWIW: Dexcool has no problems. It does pit more than regular coolant, just make sure you change it more often. Don't do that 150k 5 years BS.


now if i could just get my local dealer to GIVE me a set of gaskets I would be set!


Remember kids, its the gaskets that are defective, not the dexcool!


Damn you know how many intake jobs i do in a month. I should have saved all the data on the computer. I've got an 02 Buick coming in tomorrow for intake gaskets and a new catalytic converter.


So say I go to the dealer, and have them change the gaskets (nothing is wrong right now, but I have no reason to believe that gasket has been changed), I'll be reimbursed?


Yikes. I better find the receipts for both my cars (parts only). Probably get 11 cents back :lol:


They didnt use dex cool before 95


I know but I still have the same LIM issues as a '95 3100. :mad:


I'm almost finished doing the 94. for the record... I'm doing a newer car. *wink* *wink*


the 94 gasket had 161,000 miles and were finally starting to fail.


My rent's Jimmy needed a radiator, heater core, and lower intake gasket due to SludgeCool. I still have receipts for all of them.


On a side note, I wonder if you can bill labor time for a job you did yourself to be included in the reimbursement. No big deal if you can't since I changed that stuff over two years ago...but it would be nice if they would give you book time on a heater core install. :mrgreen:


Its only $100 in parts to fix it and a weekend of my time. Even if I got that money back it would still go back in the car one way or another :lol:

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