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4T60E clocks out at 375,000k


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Ok so this morning I go out to the car start it and no gears. No problem this happens in the winter ( for the last 3 years the car needs to warm up in order for it to go into gear) this was a winter only thing. Today was different I went to back up and the SES light came on. Whatever i continued to work only to jump on the highway and notice the car was reving at the 4k mark at 120kph. I pull off to turn around and go home. It seems as though the car needs extra throttle to even move around town. The SES light being on the whole time. I don't care much as I was just driving the shit outta this thing until it did blow (got my new GP anyway). Any ideas what is wrong with the tranny? or what causes this anyway?


Things to note :D


The transmission filter/fluid has been changed twice in the cars life any other time it was just added here and there.

The car has been driven over 200kms a day for the last 3 years non stop 6 days a week.

In the winter you will have to wait at least 5 mins for the car to go into gear ( this has happend for years)


All in all I think its done well :twisted:


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hmmm you could try changing the filter... but I think it may be toast. my 91 vert tranmission was the same way... probably due to poor seals and low line pressure. the seals get hot and expand and then everything starts to work.



fir my 91 there was a trick. I'd jack up the car so one wheel was off the ground... and put it in gear. and it would kick start the tranmission.. I could then drop the car and drive.



also... with a E tranny, sometimes if it goofs up you simply need to shut the car off and restart, as the pcm has fallen into failsafe mode.


try the above and lets see if you can go further on the tranny!

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232,000 miles (if I did the conversion from KM to MI correctly) is nothing to sneeze at. Considering the transmission was cared for so infrequently, I'd be happy it lasted that long if I were you. The tranny is probably toast, I'm sorry to say. :sad:

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