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3.1 V6 with Flowmaster 40


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Hi i just look on ebay to buy a set of flowmaster series 40... But i'am confused.. I want a deep sound on my cutty but i'am not sure with these muffler.. Someone here have a sound clip with those muffler on a 3.1? Or not.. can you give me some idea to make my car sound deeper and loud? Tanks! :P


My first choice was to rebuild the exaust line with 2.25 pipe and remove the cata and putting a glasspack and 2 Cherry Bomb Turbo on the back. Or just putting a glasspack under de car and 2 tips at the end! (no muffler)..


Please help me.. It's important to have the sound we want on our car! Before to buy something stupid..


Here the link of what i talk : http://cgi.ebay.ca/FLOWMASTER-40-SERIES-KNOCK-OFF-2-25-INLET-2-25-OUTLET_W0QQitemZ250190338891QQihZ015QQcategoryZ33636QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQtrksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcmdZViewItem

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The flowmaster will give a deep sound at idle and low throttle levels, but it's not going to sound very deep at wide open throttle. It's a V6, so you're not going to get anywhere near that deep/nice V8 sound at higher throttle levels. I know a few people here use 40series mufflers, so someone should be able to post a sound clip for you soon...

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I have 40 series on my '92. It has a low deep tone at idle and below 3000rpm but after that it gets pretty quiet. they tend to drone so highway trips can be annoying so you may want to add a resonator. I'll try to get a clip later

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If you replace the cat with a glasspak then you better get a good resonator as well. I once had a 40 series flowmaster that sounded good with the stock cat. I then replaced the cat with a highflow one and the rasp was awful.

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Didnt MCC put a 40series on her car? Once you remove the stock cat and remove the resonator, rasp will go off the charts and youll get sick of it quick. I know I did.

yes she did, IMO it sounds the best, no rasp at all. but i have not seen a video where it goes past 3000 RPM
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