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Ugh Amp's problem

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ok Now here is what i have a stock head unit becase im weird like that and i dont want to go after market. I love these cd players and dont know why, Anyways i have new Pioneer 6x9 Speaker's and new 5 and 1/4th Pioneer's to. then i had a rockford puch 40 300 watt that hit DAMN good got a 300. the jacks went out so my friend gave me a 3000 watt boss amp. Fixed it and now i have too much base.. so i thought hell ill amp my 6x9's right? No.. i got a sony 250 that i had laying around and hooked it up useing same ground and positive my boss was using. then i ran a composit cable from my boss's line out to my sonys line in.. And turned it on my boss start hitting with no music playing like a really fat heart beat. Un hook the composit cables from the sony or boss and it stoped. So i hooked my composit cables up to my Blue converter box Still when i pluged them in my boss went ape shit again. lol Any help? If its hard to under stand here is a picture.




Yeah, you need seperate line out convertor's for each amp.


Secondly, crappy product generally gives crapy results.


Oh, and be sure that your using a distribution block for your power and ground wires. Not doing that can cause a few problems also.


umm, im still confused even with all the wires LOL.


take out the sony and run the speakers by the deck only. You can go and by one of them dials for bass control, buy one of them and that way you can adjust your bass.


Yeah, you need seperate line out convertor's for each amp.


Secondly, crappy product generally gives crapy results.


Oh, and be sure that your using a distribution block for your power and ground wires. Not doing that can cause a few problems also.


x2. I didn't go cheap on anything I built with my system and the distribution blocks definitely made my life a lot easier at the least.


Seems like you went cheap with that unit. A decent head unit is really only $120 at a circuit city, including installation, and running your own RCA's isn't that hard either. I would highly recommend doing this the right way. That way you'll have a lot more control over your sound, and you'll have one extremely important thing: crossover control. Right now I'll bet when you turn your system up too loud, the 6x9's and fronts overload and sound like shit because you're putting too much bass through them. They really shouldn't play anything above 120hz in my opinion, and your subs should handle anything below that.


Also, don't your amps have an RCA out? Try running the RCA out from the Boss amp into the Sony amp. That might help a few things.


You don't want to use the RCA amp out from one amplifier to another. Generally, you will have a loss of signal quality doing so.


as he said though, he likes the stock unit that is in his car, but the downside is they generally limit your ability to have the best sound.


You don't want to use the RCA amp out from one amplifier to another. Generally, you will have a loss of signal quality doing so.


Ah ok. I never really tried it before, just figured it was an option to fix his problem.


As it is he's ghetto-rigging his whole setup anyway.


as he said though, he likes the stock unit that is in his car, but the downside is they generally limit your ability to have the best sound.


Yeah, and apparently more than he even knows given the way he's setting all this up. Seems like all he wants is for it to be loud, regardless of quality.


No i want it to sound good. Hints is why im amping my 6x9s It sounds damn good now but i have never amped a 6x9. I have ran alot of systems. With the "good stuff" yeah i have a kicker 250.2 "door speakers" amp that will almost hiit as good as the 3000 watt boss. i know boss is low quality.. But it was give to me and it sounds good and really kits good. The sony is just to get me buy intill i get my Rockford punch 40 series amp back.


No i want it to sound good. Hints is why im amping my 6x9s It sounds damn good now but i have never amped a 6x9. I have ran alot of systems. With the "good stuff" yeah i have a kicker 250.2 "door speakers" amp that will almost hiit as good as the 3000 watt boss. i know boss is low quality.. But it was give to me and it sounds good and really kits good. The sony is just to get me buy intill i get my Rockford punch 40 series amp back.


Hmm. The thing i see is that the quality you get will be the quality that's coming out of your deck. I don't know what kind of deck you have or what quality it is. I have a decent pioneer head unit with 3 pairs of shielded and twisted RCA's going out to my 3 amps, 2 of which are for front and rear stereo (two Kenwood stereo amps at 360W RMS each), and the last one of which is for the sub. I can personally vouch for the sound quality you get from a setup like that. I suppose you could leave your system as is temporarily, but soon enough you will need a decent head unit and a good set of RCA's to run your signal.


I think JL has a stock stereo module that will handle the demands of an audiophile setup using the stock stereo. I think a few brands have them like alpine and kenwood too. if it is what I think it is.




Thinks man Finaly someone that tryes to help insted of saying get rid of the head unit.


oh here you go. its called clean sweep.





I plan on installing one of these soon cuz I think its cool.


Thinks man Finaly someone that tryes to help insted of saying get rid of the head unit.


Brilliant! Now you can spend $220 + shipping on one of those (for OEM, not retail) instead of $120 + $40 for a head unit and some good cables.


What you're trying to do can be done, but I don't find it the least bit practical. It's like attempting forced induction in your engine with a leaf blower. Sure you'll get some performance, but it could definitely be done better. I can see systems like the one suggested working perfectly well for people who's car audio systems aren't replaceable, such as this one:




And I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you can also buy DIN+1/2 sized head units that fill the entire space available instead of having to buy a plastic kit adapter, such as this one:




If you were desperate enough to get a clean sweep system like the one suggested, I'm sure you'd find it a much better solution to get one of these instead.


Thinks man Finaly someone that tryes to help insted of saying get rid of the head unit.


I've known about solutions like the clean sweep one that was just offered. I didn't know what they were called, but I knew they were expensive. Considering you have a cheap Sony stereo amp (and sony by far makes some of the worst car amps you can find), I didn't exactly think you'd be interested in setting your car up with something as expensive as a clean sweep system.


Its not that i cant afford it lol. I have a kicker 250.2 door speaker amp and a 1500.1 mono block class D amp. I have Rockford 40 series 800 watt, 600 watt and a 300 watt. A Memphis 600 watt amp. and a boss 3000 watt a 2000 watt power acoustics. A Sony 250watt. A Vr3 200 watt amp. And that’s just amps I have lying around. Sure I could amp my 6x9’s with a kicker. But that’s the fun in that? Anyone can buy high dollar stuff and make it sound good on a aftermarket head unit. I also have 2 Jvc head units. A Sanyo flip screen, Then I have 2 kicker L7’s 12’s 2 12 mtx’s. a Memphis 15 and 2 Audiobah flame Q’s. I'm not saying I know sony sucks. But that’s not what I was asking. I simply was asking why I was getting a non responsive amp when I hooked my composite cables up to the other amp.


Oh btw go ahead call bullshit on what I say I have I cabn get pictures of it all around my car.



Its not that i cant afford it lol. I have a kicker 250.2 door speaker amp and a 1500.1 mono block class D amp. I have Rockford 40 series 800 watt, 600 watt and a 300 watt. A Memphis 600 watt amp. and a boss 3000 watt a 2000 watt power acoustics. A Sony 250watt. A Vr3 200 watt amp. And that’s just amps I have lying around. Sure I could amp my 6x9’s with a kicker. But that’s the fun in that? Anyone can buy high dollar stuff and make it sound good on a aftermarket head unit. I also have 2 Jvc head units. A Sanyo flip screen, Then I have 2 kicker L7’s 12’s 2 12 mtx’s. a Memphis 15 and 2 Audiobah flame Q’s. I'm not saying I know sony sucks. But that’s not what I was asking. I simply was asking why I was getting a non responsive amp when I hooked my composite cables up to the other amp.


Oh btw go ahead call bullshit on what I say I have I cabn get pictures of it all around my car.



I believe you. In that case, you might as well just get the clean sweep that garret powered was talking about. I had figured that since you were hooking things up with a Sony 250W amp that you were trying to save some cash with your system. I had assumed since you started this thread that you didn't have hundreds to spend merely to keep using the same head unit, and that it was just a strong preference.


What kind of crossover box are you using?

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