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Need tips on fixing hail dents!


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Normal ice doesn't work.

Try the dry ice, but I've heard it rarely works on larger dents and won't work on small dings.


PDR is the only way to get them completely out without a trace.

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What is it they do that always makes that little dimple? That looks freakin bad when it does that.. I'd rather have the hail dents than those horrible little dimples all over the place.

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Dimples? I think sometimes those hot glue DIY dent pullers can leave little dimples.

Nothing where you pay a professional should leave dimples.


Yeah dimples... when it pulls it up TOO much and ends up looking ghey. I've seen a few cars like that.. I have no clue if it was DIY.

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Oh, you mean outward dimples? That would either be really shitty PDR or DIY with a glue puller. I accidentally did that on the hood of my TGP and had to knock 'em back down.

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I got ann estament for Paintless dent repair and they wanted $3500 and said I should replace the hood and trunk. It would be $1000 alone for the roof.

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on may applications for PDR, commonly they will "roll" it out from the underside.... my car had hail damage and they rmoved my head liner and rear window and rolled it out with this monsterous machine...


otherwise, try the dry ice, sometimes it works, although not very well... but it helps a little..


- Justin

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we used to hamer out dents on our race car like that all the time...just roll em from the inside. This was on a firebird body. I guess you could it yourself...my bro is REALLY good



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