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New iPod Interface and Pics

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hmm, no comments, i dont know if thats good or bad....anyway, after using the ipod interface for a few days the only thing i dont like / havent figured out yet is if its possible to browse through a list of playlists before actually playing it or not.. that would be nice because it takes a couple seconds to display which playlist youre playing when you just hit next. overall i think its awesome though and def worth the investment


what do you guys think of the overall system?


The Ipod's have to be organized in a manner that makes it easy to navigate through your headunit. I get many many customer complaints about this. Follow your HU's owner's manual on how to set it up. Will make you much happier with your purchase and installation.


I attempted to look at the pictures several days ago, but they were big and blurry. Probably the same reason nobody has said anything yet.


thanks for the advice


i had no idea that the pics were big and blurry i guess i should have tested the page with more browser/resolution combinations. i think that's what you were talking about. some of the pics aren't of the best quality but for the most part you should be able to see everything without too much difficulty.


here's a link to the same pics on photobucket. hopefully this solves the viewing problem until i can figure something out with my website.



EDIT: Pics are up now, I had some problems uploading them earlier


Yeah, and even better advice, most people on here are pretty lazy, including myself. Actually posting up the pictures instead of linking them to your photobucket will help a ton also.


Most iPod interfaces these days are pretty slow. I have a Pioneer Premier 490IB that came with an iPod cable... I have more than 50 artists on my iPod, so to find any in the M or R range, I have to keep pressing the button over... and over... and over..... and by the time I've gotten to what I want to listen to, I've reached my destination! At least with the direct iPod cable, it updates faster than the intermediate box I had with my old HU. I've taken to just selecting the song or album I want to hear on the iPod itself, pressing pause, and then plugging it in. The HU simply takes over and starts playing whatever I selected automatically. Pretty useless, IMO, but at least it charges and I get balanced line out rather than headphone out.


.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




What? Have you been living under a rock for the past six years? The iPod is a time travel device that allows you to select your favorite song to listen to while you rocket backwards (or forwards) through time. An iPod interface allows you to easily select your desired destination in time through your radio head unit, so you can take your car with you!


.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




What? Have you been living under a rock for the past six years? The iPod is a time travel device that allows you to select your favorite song to listen to while you rocket backwards (or forwards) through time. An iPod interface allows you to easily select your desired destination in time through your radio head unit, so you can take your car with you!


I so typed that wrong, I know what the ipod is but what I was asking was what the interface was used for. LOL Ok so say I had aux plugs on the back of my deck, could I get a Y cable and just hook it up to the ipod, kinda like how I do for my computer to my house stereo?


.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




What? Have you been living under a rock for the past six years? The iPod is a time travel device that allows you to select your favorite song to listen to while you rocket backwards (or forwards) through time. An iPod interface allows you to easily select your desired destination in time through your radio head unit, so you can take your car with you!


I so typed that wrong, I know what the ipod is but what I was asking was what the interface was used for. LOL Ok so say I had aux plugs on the back of my deck, could I get a Y cable and just hook it up to the ipod, kinda like how I do for my computer to my house stereo?


The interface simply allows you to select Playlists, Artists, Albums, etc directly from your head unit, displaying track and artist etc info as the track is playing. Really nice if the interface works well, you can just toss your iPod into your glove box, run the wire into it, and forget about it.


.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




What? Have you been living under a rock for the past six years? The iPod is a time travel device that allows you to select your favorite song to listen to while you rocket backwards (or forwards) through time. An iPod interface allows you to easily select your desired destination in time through your radio head unit, so you can take your car with you!


I so typed that wrong, I know what the ipod is but what I was asking was what the interface was used for. LOL Ok so say I had aux plugs on the back of my deck, could I get a Y cable and just hook it up to the ipod, kinda like how I do for my computer to my house stereo?


The interface simply allows you to select Playlists, Artists, Albums, etc directly from your head unit, displaying track and artist etc info as the track is playing. Really nice if the interface works well, you can just toss your iPod into your glove box, run the wire into it, and forget about it.


That does sound pretty nifty.


.. ok so I dont own an ipod so i dont quite understand what the used of it is?




What? Have you been living under a rock for the past six years? The iPod is a time travel device that allows you to select your favorite song to listen to while you rocket backwards (or forwards) through time. An iPod interface allows you to easily select your desired destination in time through your radio head unit, so you can take your car with you!


I so typed that wrong, I know what the ipod is but what I was asking was what the interface was used for. LOL Ok so say I had aux plugs on the back of my deck, could I get a Y cable and just hook it up to the ipod, kinda like how I do for my computer to my house stereo?


The interface simply allows you to select Playlists, Artists, Albums, etc directly from your head unit, displaying track and artist etc info as the track is playing. Really nice if the interface works well, you can just toss your iPod into your glove box, run the wire into it, and forget about it.


That does sound pretty nifty.

You're supposed to get better sound quality with the interface too because its not filtered for headphone use.


I just got my ipod organized to work a little better with the interface so I'm going to mess around with that on my way to and from work tomorrow.


get a monster interface.


it plugs into the bottom of the video ipod and turns it into AV rcas (pre-amp style)so you can plug it into car or home stereo tvs.


then you still access playlists on the ipod itself instead of through the HU.


very high quality.


but you have to take it in to charge at night. or plug it in the car charger. which takes less time than searching through and messing with the HU interface. <- I hate that.


plus with this interface you can have video in your car. pretty much like having a dvd changer. in fact Alpine scrapped the car dvd changer project no doubt because people can do this.


in fact.... you could have a full video Ipod setup with an $88 7 inch "headrest" widescreen in your car (glovebox) with the stock system and a cleansweep from JL for less than some of the flip-up decks out there I bet you. also cops would be way less likely to pull you over for it. and would not get jacked either because its the stock stereo.


The only downfall is that an RCA style input is the loss of sound quality. With the fancy smancy Ipod cable, it's fully digital. With an ipod to RCA into the RCA input, or whatever style of input the headunit has, there is a loss.


i read a bunch of reviews before i bought it so i knew it wasn't going to be perfect as far as the browsing goes but after driving around for a few days with it im fairly satisfied with the interface. i just made a few playlists that i like, plug it in, put it on random for the playlist and im good to go. it was less than 50 bucks and i got a nice clean install.


The only downfall is that an RCA style input is the loss of sound quality. With the fancy smancy Ipod cable, it's fully digital. With an ipod to RCA into the RCA input, or whatever style of input the headunit has, there is a loss.


ok if you call having video a loss.


show me an Ipod interface that has video transfer.


I guess your right though if you are actually trying to go for straight digital and going to ditch anything thats analog.


Nah, I meant just the audio into the HU through the RCA style input, there is a loss.


I haven't seen a video transfer Ipod interface yet. I would imagine, however, that some company out there has worked one up. Probably just fighting the legality of it, since it is against the law for the driver to be in view of a video system while the vehicle is in motion. Tough saying if something like that will hit the market or not.


iPod interface... ha! so no one else streams music from their bluetooth phone yet? :D


eh it'll never catch on.. the sound quality isn't as good as wired, for sure.


I dont think there is ever going to be any demand for digital or high def in the car.


analog rcas seem to be the standard for all headrest monitors and HU inputs.


my system does not sound any different from IPOD to CD's. Or at least my ears have not been able to decipher. its probably because Monster makes high quality connections. you can either let a D/A converter in your HU do it, or a D/A converter in the IPOD do it. the rest of your system is analog anyway. there is by no means a signal loss you or I could physically register without sophisticated equipment.

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