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'88GP 2.8 Surge Problem?

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I've got what seems to be a surge type of problem on my '88GP 2.8. What happens is when you come to a stop, it sort of surges or acts like someone is letting on and off the gas even when my foot is on the brake at a stop light. Sometimes if I shut the car of and start it back up the problem will go away for awhile. I'm new at this board so I hope my description makes sense to you. Got any ideas what the problem might be?



try an idle relearn. Disconnect the battery for about 10 minutes, reconnect it and start it. Then put it in gear and hold your foot on the brake, with it in drive for 2 or 3 minutes. See what that does for ya



I'm new at this board so I hope my description makes sense to you. Got any ideas what the problem might be?



Welcome! You're screen name reminds me of that old Mel Gibson movie. Very cool.

Anyway, I'm going to back up Robby's idea. The ECM and the Idle Air Control (IAC) Valve could be mis-calibrated.

That pintle valves controls the amount of air that's by-passed around the closed throttle plate.

If the idle re-set procedure doesn't work, I'd try cleaning (if you already haven't) the Throttle Body. Best of luck!


- Erik


If your car dies due to stalling in the traffic, turn the ignition switch to off for at least 10 seconds and then start it again.


Do an Idle Re-learn first.


i just did that and it didnt work , unhooked the battery for about 10 mins and then held the brake pedal down while it was run... SHIT! i forgot to put it in drive! dammit!! lol


I'd say just in Drive.


After disconnecting the battery for a couple of minutes, start the car push down your brakes and put it in Drive and let it run for 10 minutes or until the cooling fan turns on. Turn off the engine and wait 30 seconds.

Start the engine again and push down your brakes and put it in Drive and let it run for 5 minutes or until the cooling fan turns on.


YES!! It worked. I disconnected the battery for about a half hour, reconnected, started it up and put it in drive with the brake on for about 5 minutes. It's ran great all day. I know the 'ol GP is getting up there in years, so the ECM may be getting Alzheimer's. Thanks a bunch.


YES!! It worked. I disconnected the battery for about a half hour, reconnected, started it up and put it in drive with the brake on for about 5 minutes. It's ran great all day. I know the 'ol GP is getting up there in years, so the ECM may be getting Alzheimer's. Thanks a bunch.



Excellent! Good to hear that! :D

Robby, nice call!


- Erik

Well what can I say


:worship: ME :worship:




You like being in that position, don't you? :dunce:

AHAHAHAAHHAHAHA, way to take charge and rule the forum....

Wonder what GnatGoSplat, Brian P, and RedTurbo90 will have to say about this... :lol:


- Erik


*scratches chin with thumb and index finder*......We shall see.........We shall see......................



I will call him......mini me


:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:


So, Robby, how does it feel to be on a leash, pulled around, and called a "bitch"?

Sorry man, I had to make the comment. No hard feelings at all.


- Erik


..................................yeah......well...........yeah........so.........I'll.......*sucker punches Brian and runs like hell* ..................whore!!...............



Guest Anonymous
*scratches chin with thumb and index finder*......We shall see.........We shall see......................




That wasn't your chin you were scratching...




It was my BALLS!

*scratches chin with thumb and index finder*......We shall see.........We shall see......................




That wasn't your chin you were scratching...




It was my BALLS!


You must have meant "BALL" cuz all I felt was one really small bump.



Guest Anonymous
You must have meant "BALL" cuz all I felt was one really small bump.




No that was my weenie. :oops:

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