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anyone need HUD or DIC? DIRT CHEAP


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look in the for sale section for rear buckets and a HUD and DIC from a GTP, i dont know what year it is but ill try to give you as much info as possible, make me an offer, they have a set of louvers and they will sell me the louvers and buckets for a really good price but ill have to pay like 4 times as much for just the louvers alone, they say "package deal man!" so im thuinking i could offer them a price for the louvers, setas, HUD and DIC, and get those for dirt cheap!!! cmon you guys i will sell these for dirt cheap, i dont want the hud dic or seats all i want is the louvers, i can ask about anything else you want too, they have ALOT of w-body's, i count 7 CS's like mine and like 14 GP's and LOTS of other cars like a daytona turbo and other shit like that

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Your definition of dirt cheap must be different than mine!

Local 'yard sells all the DICs I want for $10/each. :)

Too bad I already nabbed them all, kept one and sold the rest on Ebay. :(

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