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My TGP has always been great to me.

Same with my SE, except when I replaced the gastank. The tank was from a 96 GP, which apparently the internal baffling is different, because I ran out of gas when my gauge cluster said I had 2 bars of fuel left.. cluster was accurate, because I ran it down to no bars with the old tank and it ran fine. Lesson learned, don't run it below 2 bars and she'll run seemingly forever! I should roll 220,000 miles in the coming weeks with it.

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I almost got stranded once when I shredded the belt. I had a spare in the trunk though :D


However what got me stranded big time on my '90 Olds was when my "New" p/s pressure line popped a hole in the hose section. I couldn't drive it home without a big chance of seizing up the pump and taking the belt with it, so I had my gf's father tow me home. Then I tried changing it in my townhouse parking lot and I couldnt get the fucker in for the life of me (had NO patience back then) so my father towed me to a shop.

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Let's see, 93 cutlass, tranny took a shit but it limped home, and drove for two weeks this a severely bad head gasket running on 4 cylenders. 94 cutlass shattered a wheel bearing and it made it to the shop 2 miles away. 96 grand prix has left me stranded 3 times on the side of the road and once at work. First time, tranny went bye bye, second time ball joint went, and took the half shaft, strut, inner and outer tie rod with it. Third time it lost oil pressure and I stopped and had it towed home. It left me stranded at work when the shifter cable came out of the mount and the only gear I had was first.


All in all they haven't been too bad on me.

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Every car that I have owned, has left me stranded.


Astro - Alternator in the middle of Ford Hights (BAAAAAD Area)

Lumina - Intake Gaskets on Rte 49 in Valparaiso, then later on Division about 5 miles down the road

and now

Eclipse - Water Pump pulley, bent?!, 990.76 total repair bill, but new timing belts!

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Mine only stranded me once. I was about 1/2 block from my house when the timing belt blew. So i walked home, no biggie. Other than that she's as reliable as my morning dump.

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I did hate my Beretta by the time I sold it, and yes, it was a POS overall. But, it never once refused to start or left me. I drove home with a dead alternator, drove the 25-30 minute drive from school to my mechanic's house with the coolant reservoir totally empty (it pissed it all out in the school parking lot), and I cruised around with a fubared heater core for a looong time.


FYI: The car never got over 1/4 according to the temp gauge on the way to the mechanic's with the empty reservoir, so there must have still be some in there somewhere. :lol:


My Grand Am has left me once. And that was because the battery up and randomly died. I parked it at the library, locked it with the keyless, went inside, came back out, pressed unlock on the keyless (lights flashed and everything, like normal), got inside, and bam - no start. No clickies, no tickies, no blinky lights, NOTHING. The damn thing wouldn't even eject a CD. :lol: I had to call my grandpa to bring is truck and give me a jump, and soon we were at AutoZone getting a new battery.


The alternator was fine, as was the rest of the car's electrical system. I don't know what caused the battery to randomly die like that (it had enough power left to unlock the car, but that's it). On the way to AutoZone the BRAKE and ABS lights were on, but not the voltage light. :willynilly:

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The alternator was fine, as was the rest of the car's electrical system. I don't know what caused the battery to randomly die like that (it had enough power left to unlock the car, but that's it). On the way to AutoZone the BRAKE and ABS lights were on, but not the voltage light. :willynilly:


I was driving my mom's Subaru Outback once, we stopped at a gas station. Got into the car after getting gas, go to start it and THUMP!!!!!!!! and the hood jumped a few inches. Open the hood, and the battery had exploded and made a tiny dent in the hood above it. :eek: I've never seen that before or since.


My car has never left me stranded yet, on it's own accord. My old old GP (ironically at the same gas station of the story above) decided to drop a second cradle bolt and thereby the engine, but not while I was driving. My '95, after the intake swap, misfired and refused to start a few times, but only because I ran the wiring for the CPS the wrong way over the exhaust manifolds and melted the insulation. Learned a lesson there. I've run out of gas in all of my cars, the first time on purpose, thereafter by accident. :lol:

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The only W-body I own that has left me stranded is my '97 LTZ (in fact, the only car to ever leave me stranded) when the cam broke on the highway 220k miles :( It went quick though.

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I did hate my Beretta by the time I sold it, and yes, it was a POS overall. But, it never once refused to start or left me. I drove home with a dead alternator, drove the 25-30 minute drive from school to my mechanic's house with the coolant reservoir totally empty (it pissed it all out in the school parking lot), and I cruised around with a fubared heater core for a looong time.


FYI: The car never got over 1/4 according to the temp gauge on the way to the mechanic's with the empty reservoir, so there must have still be some in there somewhere. :lol:


My Grand Am has left me once. And that was because the battery up and randomly died. I parked it at the library, locked it with the keyless, went inside, came back out, pressed unlock on the keyless (lights flashed and everything, like normal), got inside, and bam - no start. No clickies, no tickies, no blinky lights, NOTHING. The damn thing wouldn't even eject a CD. :lol: I had to call my grandpa to bring is truck and give me a jump, and soon we were at AutoZone getting a new battery.


The alternator was fine, as was the rest of the car's electrical system. I don't know what caused the battery to randomly die like that (it had enough power left to unlock the car, but that's it). On the way to AutoZone the BRAKE and ABS lights were on, but not the voltage light. :willynilly:


Are you sure the Secuity didnt kick in, I notice that happened a few times to ppl with GA's and Aleros. When I was a tow truck driver ppl would call for a boost, I would get in the car and the security light would be on solid, I would take a quick read of the manual and shut it off, and BAM car started.

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1999 silverado has never left me stranded, 1995 gp never left me stranded. my 1995 gp o have now has had the Head gaskit blow but she could have limped home if i knew i was going to put a new motor in it. the cavaler droped the transmission going home from a mod day in kc. (for gp's) and that was the worst 100 mile trip i have had. 2ed gear all the way home

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A car has up to 3 times to strand me before I dump it. My W-Body, a 93 GP DOHC stuck me 3 times, so I sold it. First was an automatic transmission cooler line...2nd was the fuel pump, and 3rd was a rear brake line.


The only other time I've been stranded was when the Opti-Spark on my LT1 was dying and finally did in my Wagon(knock on wood).

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does it count if you wreck a car 300 miles from home?


I got stranded with my 75 buick when it blew the belts. all I had left was the waterpump belt.... so I actually bought pantyhose... and made a belt. yeah..... that did NOT work. I drove the last 30 miles with no lights in the dark :(

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