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hi, merry xmas all! im scott and i just found your site and have finally replaced my 1991 GTP that i wrecked when i was younger with another. a 1990 turbo mclaren. took me all this time to find one comprably equipped. who knew!:) well at any rate i could use some parts and would like to customize my interior moulding and stuff. i dont care for all the colors. looking for all dark charcoal stuff to replace the light grey in there.so was wondering if there was an easy source for getting new replacement parts? does a parts supplier exist for grand prixs like they do older cars? like mustangs unlimited for old mustang parts etc? also the outer bolster on the leather seat has been worn thru. any advice in fixing it to match? rest of interior is perfect so it kinda sucks havin that one spot! also the headrest doesnt stay in the pushed out position. anyone know how to fix the control or if can take out and swap with the passenger seat? any clubs specifically for the GTP's or McLarens? im in central wisconsin. oh and a beautiful single woman grand prix owner would be appreciated for the new yr as well. HA! thanx all!.....Scott

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Welcome to the board, Good luck with the new years wish. LOL..


Anyrate, good luck also on the seats. unfortunetly, there are no aftermarket parts really for these cars, except to take them to a upholstry shop, and have them redo it, or find a junkyard donor. I have been looking for some good grey leather seats, but it sounds like mine might even be in better shape then yours.


Check out the following site... http://www.tgpforums.com/index.php ... which is the sister forum to this one.. I dont know if the mods are ok with me posting the link, cause they have been coming down on this stuff lately cause of ?? I dont know. So I will PM the link to you as well.

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Welcome! You are pretty close to me- I'm in eastern Minnesota.

The interior you have in your TGP is actually pretty rare and well sought after, I think it would be worth it to have it fixed up if the rest of the interior is mint!

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What Nick said...I'm also in Minnesota, and, while it is your car ultimately, you have a very rare and sought after interior color. Think hard about what mods you'd like to do to it. First genereation Grand Prixs get left out in the cold on the aftermarket parts, but we've been lucky enough to have a few people step forward and make custom parts. Search the forum and ask questions when you have them. We're all here to help, and make sure you join http://www.tgpforums.com. Nice to meet you, Scott!

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hi, is there a place where i can get the specs on what was offered in the TGP's? u say the grey interior is the rare? would like to know all the differences my car has over 1991 and over cars. i have amassed quite a bit of spares and dont think i will ever need more but wanna make sure i got all my bases covered!:) i bought another charcoal grey interior and am planning on combining it with my light grey for a custom look. i dont think that will screw up the value? it should make it more valuable? well i have been trying to replace a one of 3 in the country 1991 GTP i wrecked back in 94. this is the first one i found since that was equipped the same. so im not letting another one go!:) so it looks like two minnesota TGP owners replied here? r there local clubs where anyone gets together? there a place on here that lists peopleby state or something for get togethers? thanx all!.....Scott

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Local Clubs? Only four people will get this, but "The Minnesota Red Cars That Showed Up Club". LOL, we'd love to organize a local club, but everyone lives so far apart. We held a meeting in Taylor Falls on 7/7/07 and 4 of us showed up...all red W-Bodies.


Combining two interiors of slightly different colors? I don't think it's make it any more valuable, agruably the opposite. While there are no official numbers on how many TGP's were produced, let alone how many grey and tan interiors were fitted to the cars, it's been common knowledge that the grey interior is most rare on 1989 TGP's, and is the least common color between both years.


What made your 1991 GTP one of 3 in the country? If you'd like to know the differences your TGP has over 91+ Prixs, where do you begin? Yeah, they have the same body with a different front end, and yeah they all look damn near identical, but when you take into account that you could only have the options of a CD Player, Leather Interior, and Sunroof (CD player on 90 only), and everything else is standard...these cars are worth preserving in their original beauty. Only produced for two years, an engine that was NOT available in any other car besides a Grand Prix (unheard of for GM at that time), and easily upgradable to some great power levels: these are all things that make it both rare and a great driver!


If you're interested in joining us for a get together, by all means, Nick and I are always up for meeting other TGP owners!

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Local Clubs? Only four people will get this, but "The Minnesota Red Cars That Showed Up Club". LOL, we'd love to organize a local club, but everyone lives so far apart. We held a meeting in Taylor Falls on 7/7/07 and 4 of us showed up...all red W-Bodies.


Hey I know got it, and I wasn't even there, but if I had showed up I would've ruined the Red Car streak, because mine was green.

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Local Clubs? Only four people will get this, but "The Minnesota Red Cars That Showed Up Club". LOL, we'd love to organize a local club, but everyone lives so far apart. We held a meeting in Taylor Falls on 7/7/07 and 4 of us showed up...all red W-Bodies.


Hey I know got it, and I wasn't even there, but if I had showed up I would've ruined the Red Car streak, because mine was green.

That was a fun meet... and that name is priceless :lol:


Once I finish the mods on my TGP, I was thinking we should have a meet at a dyno place in the Twin Cities- very reasonable prices and they do group deals, so that would be sweet.

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hi guys. i bought another charcoal interior so i will probably just hang onto my original grey interior anyway. i know i shouldnt if u could see my garage!:) my plan is combining the dark charcoal with the lighter grey. i like to customize my stuff. the "oddball" out u may say! hell i put a fron hood scoop on it. any purists out there would probly wanna take a baseball bat to me for doin it! just dont touch the car! HA! i noticed u say there r no numbers of production for interiors and options? that seems very odd to me? my 68 and 70 cougars have exact production runs of every damn little detail. i figured record keeping would have gotton better in the newer yrs? hmmmm. well thats a shame. as far as what made my 91 GTP rare according to the dealer was that it was one of a handfull that was FULLY equipped with every known option. i crashed it and told insurance company to junk it instead of fixing it cuz i figured i could find another one. well needless to say i am just now finding one in my TGP 13 yrs later!:) it was a beautiful car. blue with grey leather interior. i had all the dealers looking for many yrs til i gave in and bought the newer ones. owned 94-96's but nothing ever compared. so there r only 4 of us within range of wisconsin eh? or have a bunch simply not reported in? does the moderator keep records of members on a state basis? like know how many signed up from wisconsin, minnesota,etc? come summer i wouldnt mind a little drive to see some other cars. meet for a dyno test? hmmm. i heard from other people thats not a real good idea considering the possibly damage to the car putting it under undo stress? opinions? also within my ramblings in here i saw something that said 450 hp for a 1990 TGP? that cannot be right? that same person also mentioned removing the computer control chip that limits the turbo? said it was crazy fast. anyone done this? well thats enuf rambling for today!:)....scott

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I'm not sure who told you to remove the computer chip that limits the turbo, but unfortunatly that same chip also controls the whole engine. You could get a different chip though. Kenny (TGPilot) takes care of us in the tuning department. Hes the Admin on the TGP board, But I know hes been pretty busy as of late, trying to get his shop going.


As far as customizing interiors goes, I know exactly what you mean. I'm correcting working on my TGP's Interior, I got it with the original Tan Leather and I'm converting it to Two-Tone Gray (Like the Early Grand Prixs, and my first car which I still miss) but Im using cloth, 1 because its more readily available, and 2 I like cloth. But the 94-96 I believe used a full charcoal interior that also looked nice. To me its a personal preference, its your car, make it the way you want it.

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hey mitch, u have one of the chips for the car? is it worth doing? WHAT does it do? do i have to sacrifice gas mileage and stuff? sounds like yer doin yer interior kinda like i am@!? i bought dark charcoal and combining with my original TGP grey. replaced bottom dash and glovebox with dark charcoal as well as the bottoms of doors and rear panels. i think its my final version!? he, he. makes a grey line across the dash and continues to wrap around with the light grey arm rests into the doors and back. starting to look pretty sweet. bought med charcoal carpet for it and now i think im just gonna clean the grey and leave it. what a waste of money. i hope im not the only nut about my cars out there!:).....Scott

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where'd you buy your carpet and how much did it cost?I need some too.


I got my TGP basically given to me, but it didn't run and the mice had chewed up the whole interior, so i'm replacing pretty much everything, I hated the tan anyway. I've been dying some of the panels grey, but I got a gray interior donar car. So i've been replacing most stuff, I still need front seats but my friend has a 94 cutlass with gray that I might use.


I don't have a chip but a lot of folks here do. I eventually plan on swapping in OBD2 and changing the transmission to the 4T65e-HD out of a supercharged (L67) car.

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hmmmm, a cutlass? u mean to tell me a cutlass has the same seats as my grand prix!? if so what yrs? maybe im narrowing my search too much only looking in grand prixs. passed alot of cutlasses in my search that i never even looked into! what crosses over as far as parts that will fit our grand prixs? well im gonna hang it up for night, i got a steak on the grill callin my name!:)

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Pretty much all the W-bodys. Pontiac Grand Prix (of course), Chevy Luimina, olds Cutlass Supreme (not Ciera), buick regal.


I am not sure if the gen 1.5 or 2 will fit in our Gen 1. So you can better understand what I mean by gen 1, 1.5, and 2, the following link should help... http://www.w-body.com/w-body.html

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Pretty much all the W-bodys. Pontiac Grand Prix (of course), Chevy Luimina, olds Cutlass Supreme (not Ciera), buick regal.


I am not sure if the gen 1.5 or 2 will fit in our Gen 1. So you can better understand what I mean by gen 1, 1.5, and 2, the following link should help... http://www.w-body.com/w-body.html


They switched to a different style seat in the 2nd Gens, it might bolt in, but wouldn't look good.

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ok, now let me get this straight. the cutlasses and other gen 1 cars had the SAME 16 way power seats as my 90 TGP? i cant believe ive never come across one if thats the case!? dont wanna go lookin everywhere for my grey seats unless i know for sure that what u guys r tralking about. i want EXACT replacement seats.

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I dont know if they have the same 16 way style seats, I have never looked. But the seats themselves will bolt directly into our cars. Maybe one of the other members can elaborate if any other car has the 16 way power options..

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Cutlass seats will fit, but they are not even close to being the same as TGP seats. If you are looking for seats that look the same, look in 1988-1993 Grand Prixs with the articulating bucket seats. These seats are RPO option code AQ9.

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happy new yr all. i got my carpet thru jc whitney. i think it cost me $120? its med charcoal. it doesnt match what i wanted it to exactly but i may still use it if someone tells me my grey carpet looks like crap!:) maybe someone can chime up that knows where u can buy EXACT pontiac colors from? and who the heck doesnt like the 16 way seats, ya nutz? they r like butter baby!:) i also listed some pics of my bad motor chariot if anyones interested on photobucket. check out my fly cutom interior!:) http://s258.photobucket.com/albums/hh264/McLarenTGP/




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