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Problem wit the Stock CD deck


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Well I popped in a cd, and it played fine, but then when i tried to eject it, the Cd wouldn't come out. It just makes the sound like its trying to 'eject' but it never works. So then I decided to just play the cd, and now it wont even play the cd! :cry: I found out that a new deck would run me 180 plus an adapter 80 so itd run me about $300.00 parts+labor. So before I go out spending that kind of money, I'm wondering if any of you guys know how to fix this problem. I'd appreciate the help~

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I had the excact same problem before, the CD wouldnt eject and made just a clicking sound and an error code then finely came out. I bought a CD lens cleaner and hadnt had the problem since. so try that

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Tried gettin the cd out. but i've come up empty handed so far. cant find anything thing enough to fit into the disc port and be able to get it out. :evil: bah any advice would be great.

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That Won't help....The reason it won't eject is that there is a little retaining clip that keeps a gear from falling off on the lower right hand side of the player.


The "rebuild" site listed above is sweet though...... Anybody can do it...


If you don't want to send the player away & spend $150.00, a slave unit when taken apart is the same as the lower half of a Delco Loc II.....

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a slave unit when taken apart is the same as the lower half of a Delco Loc II.....



Hmm.. if I can find one of those cheap on ebay I may have to try that method in fixing the factory CD player from my TGP (cd mechanism is dead).

I would assume that would be a much cheaper option than spending $100+ on a new mechanism.

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I had the same thing happen to me when i put a KISS CD i made and it had a label on it. For some reason...the deck didn tlike it, and it got stuck. I think i ended up pushing it in again (it worked before...jsut when i went to eject it, it got stuck)


So, pushed it back in, ejected, caught, and pulled out the CD when it started out (the first time, it started to eject, then back in, but not to the point to play)



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Wow.. how did I miss that post? lol :?

I'm glad I read that now, I had assumed that any slave CD unit would work, now I know not to go after the newer slave units.

Bad thing is, it's hard to find an older unit online most of the time.

Thanks for the info! :)

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