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Quad Bucket Bolts and etc.


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Tomorrow morning im pulling some quad buckets out of an earlier grand prix. Where exactly are the bolts at so im not searching around forever, and what size are they? Do I need the brackets too? What goes in the space between the buckets?

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OK, the first ones are right under the front of the bottom pad, like in your crotch if you were sitting there. 13mm I believe. Then the bottom pad pulls out. Then you've got one little nut and one big one holding the seatback. The little one is an 11mm I believe, I think I remember it being an oddball size. The big one is probably an 18, but a complete set from 10 to 18 or higher would be best. The big nut is the one that holds your seatbelt too. After those are out, the seatback lifts straight up and out. I've only pulled one center console, might be phillips drive or small bolt, not sure. Then there's the two brackets that hold the console and you're done.

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Oh yeah. It's an armrest, cupholders, storage, etc. It would look pretty bare in the middle without it I'm sure. Unless you custom built some skinny speaker box or something, I dunno.

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Just find another console and have it dyed to match your interoir if neccessary... You will have to drill the holes in the floor board to accomidate the console fasteners. Either you can drill holes or weld 4 screw studs in place.

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