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Sunroof Question ASC


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Gotta hold of a ASC sunroof off of a 91 GP SE out of a Junk Yard


Its the one with Three buttons: one for open--one for close---one for vent--also theres a button on there that says ASC which I have know Idea what that does


My question is this: when I press and release the open button it will open automatically untill it gets to the end and the motor continues to run. So I have to press and release the open button to stop the motor----- is there something that I'm missing that allows this to operate correctly----or is this some kind of sensor thats not reading right----or does this use a motor spike reading thats not working



The same for the Vent button


but whats funny is the close button is the only button that works properly: when I press and release the close button the sunroof closes and stops where it is suppose to stop automatically on its own


Can anyone please help me out with this issue , I've went through all of our searched problems I found one that was close but did not have the same problem

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I have an ASC in my regal. I would have to hold the button for it to run though. But unlike the factory sunroofs, when the ASC would reach the end, it would continue to run if i kept holding the button. Same with the vent. I dont think there is a stop switch in them.

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Just got off the phone with a tech from ASC sunroof Co. and this is what he said:


these models were Aftermarket sunroofs, they were not sold to Pontiac for there factory sunroofs.


the way they work is when the magnet located in the moving arm crosses over the switch it tells


the computer module how far to let the sunroof move which he explain in time. then once this time


is reach it will shut the motor off automatically, same way with the vent




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  • 1 year later...

That sounds about right. I have one of the ACS sunroofs in my 94 GP, and the fourth button, if it works, is an auto close feature, when you press it, does the LED behind it change from red to green or green to red? if it is Red then the feature is off, if it is green the feature is on. with the feature on, the sunroof will automatically close when the ignition is turned off. My sunroof is acting up now, my ASC button is flashing red, and my close button does not work at all, to open or vent the roof, I have to hold the appropriate button until it is open or vented, and to close it I have to hold the opposite button until it is in the closed position and hope that I didn't let it go too far.



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I have a ASC sunroof in my Aztek. The ASC button is just what is described above. Autoclose, or disable auto close. Cant help you on the other stuff.

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I would say not all, ASC was a sub company of Inalfa, and they sold alot of sunroofs to dealers as dealer installed options as well as to other shops for straight aftermarket install. I have found that there were at least three different shops here in Tulsa, OK that used to be authorized dealers/installers. I say was/were, because as far as I can find, ASC does not exist anymore, all the contact numbers on their webpage return as disconnected when called.


Now, as for my problem, I have been emailing back and forth with a guy from Inalfa who says that my problem is most likely a loose track sensor, so when I get the time and inclination to pull the headliner substrate down to check it, I will post back my result. The gentleman from Inalfa said that it is fairly common for this sensor to come loose after a number of years in the type of climate we have here in northeastern Oklahoma.


I am just glad that the gentleman is kind enough to provide the support he is and not simply telling me "we don't make those anymore, you are on your own" or some other such thing...


Anyway, thanks for the info that I was able to get from here...

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