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1995 Lumina 3100 LIM replacement

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When I pull the dipstick, it doesn't have coolant smell or look to it. It's on the oil cap that I see the foamy.


good point about the bolts. Thanks for letting me know that.

Thats not to say that it isn't mixed! You will not need a new engine, just don't drive the car until you have the parts to fix it. And, if I were you get some Engine cleaner and wash out the motor so that there is no coolant left in the oil crankcase.


you can't drop the pan without some fanangling. the subframe/lower motor mount is in the way. Unless you are physically able to move the rods arond with your hands, I don't think you'd be able to tell anything without tearing the whole bottom end apart and measuring tolerances.


Ok, list of items I need for tomorrow


1. LIM Gaskets

2. Head Gaskets

3. Coolant

4. Oil

5. Silicone

6. Head Bolts

7. ?


ok, am I missing anything?


Yeah, why a new air filter, this one was replaced about 5k ago.


just trying to save some money. My mom decided to toss me 100, and I got advance payed for friday, So I'll have about 220 for it. Car's got gas in it, so I don't need to worry about that afterwards.


If you have already started unbolting things, this is too late.

From experience, if you pull the spark plugs, the clean one will indicate if the head gasket has failed toward a cylinder. If you have oil/water showing on the cap, but none evident in the crankcase, that is usually NOT a head gasket, but an intake issue. If the engine ran for a while like this (refilled radiator two or three times) then I would worry about the "washing down" of the cyl walls and bearings, but if the RPM was not too high, it is possible everything is still OK.


The only way to know for certain is dump the oil and have it analyzed, but you were good to check the dipstick and smell the oil for coolant. If there was no evidence of water in the oil, and just a light foam on the cap, I would do the intake gaskets, dump the oil, run it up to temp for 5-10 min to help "boil out" any remaining Antifreeze, then dump oil/filter again. Engine flush won't help remove antifreeze, just removing the contaminated oil does that...


Well, for now I have someone intersted in buying it. He's a mechanic that my girlfriends family has been using for years. He is really interested in seeing it, and he said he probably was going to fix it and resell it, which is fine by me, but he's yet to contact me about the price he's willing to pay.


if you do it yourself... get the PERMADRY intake gasket. rockauto is currently the cheapest for this gasket, plus the 5% discount code you can look up.


if you let it go... oh well.


Well if you sell it with bad intake gaskets your not gonna get nearly what you think you should


Well if you sell it with bad intake gaskets your not gonna get nearly what you think you should


if you do it yourself... get the PERMADRY intake gasket. rockauto is currently the cheapest for this gasket, plus the 5% discount code you can look up.


if you let it go... oh well.


Felpro gaskets are good too


Well if you sell it with bad intake gaskets your not gonna get nearly what you think you should




How much are you selling it for to him? Fix it yourself and youll be able to sell it for twice as much.


He's taking a look at it over Thanksgiving, and then he's going to get back to me on what he would like to offer me. When I first mentioned to him that the LIM was gone, possibly Head Gaskets, he didn't seem discouraged from the car at all. He wouldn't of let me tow it to his place if he didn't want it.


I don't know if you did it or not I havn't read the topic but try this site dude step by step from a chiltons manual. Just go into your year make and model works with all cars too so its a goldmine! It's like ALLDATA for free.


go here


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