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3.1 Cooling System

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So the water pump on my 95 3.1 Lumi decided that it was going to start dumping antifreeze out of the lower weep hole on the water pump.. I removed the pump and then it got dark on me pretty much immediately afterwards. Anyway, I have a few questions about the refilling procedure for this motor. 1.) What is the correct (best) way to refill the cooling system? 2.) Since I have lost so much antifreeze anyway, I am toying with flushing the remaining out of the radiator. I have never flushed a system before, so how exactly would you accomplish that? 3.) How important is the torque on the wp bolts? I don't currently own a torque wrench, so do I need to purchase one, and what should I look for if I do. 4.) How much coolant does this motor hold? 5.) What is the correct way to loosen the belt tension? To get it off I just ended up prying the belt off, but how do you loosen it to put the belt back on? (My previous cars had a spot in the tensioner to slip a ratchet into, this car does not)

Thanks in advance and sorry about having so many questions,


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Does anybody have any answers for me? I have to get this done tomorrow morning as quickly as possible.

1.) What is the correct (best) way to refill the cooling system?


Put anit-freeze in the radiator and the in the hoses by the water pump ( especially the one that goes under the plenum ) with the bleeder screws open to allow the air to escape. Do this untill anti-freeze comes out the bleeder screw. Start up and bleed the rest of the air out.


2.) Since I have lost so much antifreeze anyway, I am toying with flushing the remaining out of the radiator. I have never flushed a system before, so how exactly would you accomplish that?


Just drain the radiator, and if you wanted take out the plug on the front of the block. Then refil.


3.) How important is the torque on the wp bolts? I don't currently own a torque wrench, so do I need to purchase one, and what should I look for if I do.


It is important, but if you dont have one then just do your best to get them the same by feel.


4.) How much coolant does this motor hold?


Buy a gallon of straight anti-freeze, when you mix it youll have two gallons, which will be more than enough


5.) What is the correct way to loosen the belt tension?


Get a 1/4" drive ratchet and pull up on it.

5.) What is the correct way to loosen the belt tension?


Get a 1/4" drive ratchet and pull up on it.


Don't you mean 3/8ths?


1/4" seems awfully small.

5.) What is the correct way to loosen the belt tension?


Get a 1/4" drive ratchet and pull up on it.


Don't you mean 3/8ths?


1/4" seems awfully small.


yah he does....it's 3/8ths


3/8 ratchet for the tensioner LOL beat me Kyle


Inch pounds? I thought torque wrenches went in foot pounds? Do you need a special torque wrench for inch pounds?


There are inch pound torque wrenches. I'd just tighten them with a regular 1/4" ratchet, not overtighten them of course, but snug. You'll be fine.


So just turn them until they stop turning without applying excessive force is what you mean? Sorry I have so many questions, I just really don't want to mess anything up. Another question, the gasket sealer I got says that it dries in an hour and cures in 24 hours. Does that mean I need to wait 24 hours before refilling the system after applying the sealer?


So just turn them until they stop turning without applying excessive force is what you mean? Sorry I have so many questions, I just really don't want to mess anything up. Another question, the gasket sealer I got says that it dries in an hour and cures in 24 hours. Does that mean I need to wait 24 hours before refilling the system after applying the sealer?


Quite alright, I do understand. But yes, tighten them to snug but not overtightened and you'll be fine. You will be okay if you let it dry an hour before refilling.




Thanks a lot man! I am honestly not even sure what curing means. :question: Anyway, I guess that means I can get it all done tomorrow then if it doesn't have to cure! :mrgreen:


Thanks a lot man! I am honestly not even sure what curing means. :question: Anyway, I guess that means I can get it all done tomorrow then if it doesn't have to cure! :mrgreen:

imagine curing is like cooking. basically, the gasket material hardens once exposed to air. if you read the instuctions... often gasket material wants you to coat the surface and wait a few minutes before assembly, so curing can start. improperly used gasket material is more likely to fail if put into service without proper curing. one hour should be fine for a waterpump... just don't do dragracing for 24 hours LOL.



I always unplug one of the feed lines that goes into the engine before the tstat (like the feed line to the heatercore) and fill the system with a funnel.




all right, so how does the tensioner move? does it have a spot for the ratchet or do you just shove on the tensioner with the ratchet so it moves?


All right, I am a little confused on where to add the antifreeze when refilling the system. I know you open the bleeder screws and fill until it comes out, but are you adding into the radiator or the hoses?


Add into the radiator until it won't accept anymore coolant. Close the bleeders once coolant begins to steadily pour out of them. Top up the reservoir and start the engine. Run the engine for a while and allow the water pump to circulate the coolant and work out any remaining air. Top up reservoir again. You should then be good to go.


That's how I do it anyways, with no issues.


Add into the radiator until it won't accept anymore coolant. Close the bleeders once coolant begins to steadily pour out of them. Top up the reservoir and start the engine. Run the engine for a while and allow the water pump to circulate the coolant and work out any remaining air. Top up reservoir again. You should then be good to go.


That's how I do it anyways, with no issues.




just remember to rev it up a little bit to move any air bubbles that might be in there to get them out of the system


So I shouldn't add any coolant into hoses? Do I need to rev it with the cap off or something or will the air just come out?


You don't have to add coolant into any hoses. As soon as you're done filling the rad you can put the cap on.


Basically just follow my post above. /\


with this engine it is a really easy job. All is self explanitory. just fill up the radiator and reservoir. start it up and let it warm up for a little, then crack the bleeder till all of the air is out. I like to bleed the system for about 5 seconds for the first 3 days and i never have a problem :mrgreen:


OK guys, I can not get the air out of the system. I must be missing something here. I open the bleeders and let the coolant come out of them until it is a steady stream, and then I close them, but the temp keep going up to almost the hot mark. Can someone please help me, I am very frustrated right now.


EDIT to add that both hoses to the damn radiator are always squishy. The lower hose gets hot, but is still squishy.

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