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tcc ant that like the old school 3 speed trans though i have the 4 speed i donno im gonna have a look to see if i can find the tcc


i did have the air box out before this all happend


I highly doubt that the trans woudl be shorting out your electronics. I'd say its the lack of voltage thats screwing stuff up. I've seen some pretty wierd stuff happen on cars with severly low voltage. The PCM could be going wacko and causing wierd stuff to happen. Improper transmission operation is possible. first thing is to get the car charged up, and replace the alt (if its bad) and go from there. IIRC, the TCC is located in the side pan.


Also, if everything is still funny after charging up the car, check around for the electrical connection on the tranmission. It may be possible that it was somehow loosened or disconnected.


ok thanks im pissed i had a good ault from my 95 but my car was said to have a new one so i didnt take it off now the 95 is in the j/y woops




ahh im putting a charge on my battery now im going to let it go all night and see what happends


when the transmission falls into failsafe mode, the trans is in 3rd gear in OD and D, and 2nd gear in 2 and 1.


Here is what I think is happening. your PCM is not receiving enough power to operate properly, so it has defaulted to operating the transmission in failsafe mode. you should not change gears and accelerate while the vehicle is traveling in the opposite direction. the fact that you did so while your car was in failsafe.... instead of going into 1st, you went right into 3rd... and stalled. Hence....your car was broken before the shift and stall incident.



check wires, check alt and battery!


well my battery is charging and im going to start it up and pull the + wire off and see if she stalls


You said you work at crappy tire... did you recently let anyone in that shop touch the car? that could be your whole problem right there, Crappy tire mechanics don't know shit about shit. I can't count (on both hands, yes I have all my fingers) the number of times I have heard about cars being wrecked in those shops.


I to understood what your saying, but I have no idea what to tell you aside form my above comments




well my battery is charging and im going to start it up and pull the + wire off and see if she stalls

I wouldn't do that. You chance doing damage to the electrical system. charge it up and start it. Grab a multimeter and check the voltage output. It should be around 14 - 15 volts. If its lower than that, then you have a problem. I'm sure that crappy tire has a multimeter lying around somewhere that you could use.


yup the aultinatour is tost i did pull the positive lead off. woops but the car died rite away and fast too so its either tost or i have a ground or somthing i donno. ill just take the one off my buddys grandprix its a parts car dont worrie lol


Don't ever pull the positive lead off the car. As stated before, that can really fuck up a modern car with tons of electronics and computer engine management.


And please learn to type coherently.


Blackbird, I removed your message. Try to put a little more thought into what you say before you post, please.


Awwwww, you ruined all my fun :willynilly:


K, for future reference hell_raiser, do yourself a favor and other people who's vehicles you work on, don't remove a battery cable while the vehicle running. Like a few others said, that can cause severe damage.


Yes, that is terrible for a car, and i second everyone when they say it is important to type correctly here on the forum, prob no one here knows you in person, and as humans we do judge, so when you type with improper grammar and spelling, we associate the incoherency with they type of person you are, do yourself a favor and download macromedia firefox browser, it has a built in spell check so at least when you are posting here on the forums it will at the min correct your spelling, and as for the grammar, God help you


Yeah no lie, some things people say on hear (my self included ) sometimes dont make sense


Yes, that is terrible for a car, and i second everyone when they say it is important to type correctly here on the forum, prob no one here knows you in person, and as humans we do judge, so when you type with improper grammar and spelling, we associate the incoherency with they type of person you are, do yourself a favor and download macromedia firefox browser, it has a built in spell check so at least when you are posting here on the forums it will at the min correct your spelling, and as for the grammar, God help you


Now THAT is incorrect Grammar. Its Mozilla Firefox :lol:


lol sorry guys. i'm just trying to get it out in a hurry!. :redface:.


i can write on paper no problem too its weird. computers mess me rite up, like the key placement.


Thanks for saying it nicely too, cuz some people are just plain rude,


i use firefox lol too


anyway let me know if this i better.


again thanks




mozilla, macromedia, same thing... (coming from a computer guy) i have no idea how i got the two mixed up.... wow!

Yes, that is terrible for a car, and i second everyone when they say it is important to type correctly here on the forum, prob no one here knows you in person, and as humans we do judge, so when you type with improper grammar and spelling, we associate the incoherency with they type of person you are, do yourself a favor and download macromedia firefox browser, it has a built in spell check so at least when you are posting here on the forums it will at the min correct your spelling, and as for the grammar, God help you


Now THAT is incorrect Grammar. Its Mozilla Firefox :lol:


mozilla, macromedia, same thing... (coming from a computer guy) i have no idea how i got the two mixed up.... wow!

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